Serious games: new media in a public institution?
Serious game, internal communication, avatar, visual methods, hospitalAbstract
A serious game is an application that combines ‘serious’ goals (pedagogical, informational, communicational, ideological, or training) with ‘ludic’ aims stemming from video games for example. Digital images and games associated in serious games become devices making sense in the context of organization communication. Objectives: The field of serious games enables researchers to understand communication practices in organizations and in particular the bodily features and rituals that occur in the course of the games. Methods: The empirical research presented in this paper addresses the scientific issue of games appropriation and its effects on organization.The study is based on a serious game that was designed in order to train managers for evaluation interviews. It was put into practice with five health managers at a Hospital in Annecy (Rhône-Alpes - France). Conclusions: The serious game was not ‘immersive’ enough. The managers could transpose and transfer for use in their real life interview situation.
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