Agenda and frames in the websites of the People’s Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) in the 2011 cyber campaign




cybercampaign, agenda building, framing, negative campaigning, election 2011


The impact of ICT on the media and the political communication model has given a growing centrality to the official websites of political parties to determine their partisan strategy. They use their websites to try to impose their agenda on the public sphere. Methods: This study offers an integrated analysis of a) the agenda building, b) negative campaigning and c) frames put forward by the People’s Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) during the 2011 campaign based on the examination of the daily news published on their websites. The method combines classical content analysis, which incorporates variables related to negative campaigning, with a dual quantitative and qualitative analysis of framing processes. Results: The analysis highlights the impact of the economic crisis on the agenda of both parties, as well as on the frames that both parties aimed to privilege.


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Author Biographies

Lidia Valera Ordaz, University of Valencia

Lidia Valera Ordaz holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism (High Honours) from the University of Valencia (2009), and a Master’s Degree in Interculturality and Communication Policies in the Information Society (High Honours) also from the University of Valencia (2010). She is a doctoral student at the Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences of the University of Valencia (Spain) since 2010.

Her Doctoral thesis examines the flow of partisan agendas and frames in Spain’s 2011 election campaign in old and new media. At the same time, she studies Political Science at the National University of Distance Education (UNED, Spain).

She has taught Public Opinion and Communication Theories in the Bachelor’s and postgraduate programmes in Journalism of the University of Valencia. Since 2011, she participates in the R&D project titled Cibercampaña, Ciberperiodismo y Ciberparticipación del electorado (“Cyber-campaign, Cyber-journalism, and the Cyber-participation of the electorate”), directed by Víctor Sampedro.

Her main lines of research focus on political communication, election campaigns, the use of Internet by politicians and citizens, and people’s deliberation in the digital public space. She is the author and co-author of articles published in Ambitos, Zer and Text and Visual Media.

Guillermo López García, University of Valencia

Guillermo López García holds a Bachelor’s Degree (1998) and a Doctoral Degree (2002) in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. His research activity has been recognised for two six-year periods (2000-2005 and 2006-2011). His two main lines of research are Public Opinion (particularly, electoral processes) and Digital Communication, both of which are explored in this article. Over the last decade, he has published ten books and about 50 articles in journals and book chapters, most of them related to his two lines of research.

Within this general area, in recent years much of his research has been related to the analysis of the blogosphere in Spain, specifically its relation with the media agenda and its ability to influence the public opinion, and in general to the incidence of the new digital media in the logic of electoral processes.

His study of the Internet and the blogosphere is not only developed from an academic perspective and since 2000 he writes opinion and analysis articles in a website (La Página Definitiva). Since 2003, he also runs his own blog (Chapapote Discursivo), which is devoted to the analysis of the media and their behaviour on the Internet.


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How to Cite

Valera Ordaz, L. ., & López García, G. (2014). Agenda and frames in the websites of the People’s Party (PP) and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) in the 2011 cyber campaign. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (69), 41–66.




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