The Andalusian elections of 2012 in the national press: Analysis of the coverage of Abc, El Mundo and El País




Election campaigns, Andalusia, daily press, agenda-setting, framing


This article analyses the coverage of the Andalusian elections campaign of 25 March, 2012, by the Andalusian editions of three Spanish national newspapers: AbcEl Mundo and El PaísObjectives. To determine the similarities and differences in the treatment given to the elections by these newspapers; to establish the degree of convergence between the agenda of these newspapers and the agenda of the contending parties; to characterise the presence of the political leaders; and to identify the predominant frames. Methods. Content analysis focused on sixteen items related to the location, production features and content of the 497 election news items published by the sample of newspapers. Conclusions. There was a predominance of regional issues in the coverage of the elections campaign; there was a low presence of interpretive and analytical elements; and there was a predominance of strategic and game frames in the coverage of the elections campaign.


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Author Biographies

Bernardo Gómez Calderón, University of Málaga

Bernardo Gómez Calderón holds a in Journalism (2001) and is Professor at the Department of Journalism of the University of Malaga. He has published Ladrón de fuego. La obra en prensa de Francisco Umbral(2004) and, in collaboration with Teodoro León Gross, El artículo literario: Manuel Alcántara (2008) andDiez articulistas para la historia de la literatura española (2009). He has also published fifteen articles in academic journals, including: “Retórica de la columna personal” (Ínsula, 2005) and “La tertulia en España: Medios públicos, última frontera de la pluralidad” (Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2011).

Dr. Gómez also carries out research in the field of communication structure, and between 2007 and 2011 coordinatedthe Informe anual de la profesión periodística

(“Annual report on the journalistic profession”) edited by the Press Association of Madrid.He is the author of sixteen books chapters, and has participated in about fifty national and international congresses.

He has participated and participates as a researcher in BSO R&D projects 2001-1712, “Análisis del sistema de medios en el espacio de habla hispana” (“Analysis of the media system in Spanish-speaking countries”, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología); SEJ 2006-14561, “Nuevos escenarios en la investigación aplicada al estudio del sistema de medios” (“New scenarios in research applied to the study of the media system”, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia); CSO 2010-19725, “Comunicación y cambio climático: Estrategias de traslación mediática del consenso científico a la opinión pública” (“Communication and climate change: Strategies of the media to transmit the scientific consensus to the public”, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and SEJ-8073 “Credibilidad del sistema de medios en Andalucía. Confianza de la ciudadanía en los medios audiovisuales” (“Credibility of the system of media in Andalusia. Citizens’ trust in the audiovisual media”,Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of Andalusia).

Between 2009 and 2011 he coordinated the Quality Doctoral Programme “Journalism: New scenarios” and the M.A. programme in Journalistic Communication Research, both offered by the Department of Journalism of the University of Malaga. Since 2011 he holds the position of Director of Communication Office of the University of Malaga.

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano, University of Málaga

Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano holds B.A. and PhD degrees (1996, 2004) in Journalism. Since 2003, he works as Professor at the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga, where he teaches Corporate and Institutional Communication. He also teaches in the M.A. programme in Political and Institutional Communication of the Ortega and Gasset Foundation, and in the M.A. programme in Strategic Management of Communication and Innovation of the University of Cádiz.

He currently combines teaching with the role of Director of the Communication Office of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA). For several years he has been the Director of Communication of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP).

He has published several articles on political communication, including “La Comunicación política electoral (1977-2004)” (“Electoral Political Communication (1977-2004)”), in Razón y Palabra; “La nueva comunicación electoral” (“The new electoral communication”), in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (*); and “Influencia de los medios en el voto” (“The media’s influence on the vote”), in Chasqui. In December, 2004, he published his first book: Comunicación política y elecciones. Nuevas prácticas en el escenario español (“Political communication and elections. New practices in the Spanish stage”). In June, 2007, he published “La comunicación en las campañas institucionales de los Estatutos de autonomía. Divergencias con la Junta Electoral Central” (“Communication in institutional campaigns of the Statutes of Autonomy. Differences with the Central Electoral Government”), in the Anuario DIRCOM.

Between 2006 and 2011, he coordinated the Informe anual de la profesión periodística (“Annual report of the journalistic profession”), edited by the Press Association of Madrid. He has participated as researcher and coordinator in the R&D project “Análisis crítico del sistema de medios: credibilidad e impacto en la ciudadanía” (“Critical analysis of the media system: credibility and impact on citizens”) and is currently a researcher in the SEJ-8073 project “Credibilidad del sistema de medios en Andalucía. Confianza de la ciudadanía en los medios audiovisuales” (“Credibility of the system of media in Andalusia. Citizens’ trust in the audiovisual media”, Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of Andalusia).

He has recently participated in The Global Journalist in the 21stCentury, edited by David H. Weaver and Lars Willnat, with the chapter “Journalists in Spain” (in collaboration).

(*) "La nueva comunicación electoral en españa", FJ Paniagua Rojano, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 2004,

Pedro Farias Batlle, University of Málaga

Pedro Farias Batlle holds a Ph.D. in Information Sciences and is Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Malaga. He has published many articles on the media system, informationcredibility and the University teaching of journalism in Spain. Some of the most recent articles are: “La crisis acelera el cambio del negocio informativo” (“The crisis accelerates the change of informative business”, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2009), “Opinión de los españoles sobre cuál es el medio con mayor credibilidad en 2010: un análisis bivariado” (“The most credible medium for the Spanish people in 2010: a bivariate analysis”, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2011) and “The Academic Use of Social Networks among University Students" (Comunicar, 2012).Between 2006 and 2011 he directed the Informe anual de la profesión periodística (“Annual report on the journalistic profession”) edited by the Press Association of Madrid. Herecently collaborated, along with researchers from more than 50 countries, in The Global Journalist in the 21stCentury, published by Routledge, coordinated by David Weaver and Lars Willnat from the University ofIndiana(USA).

He is member of many national and international research projects, and was the leader of the research project of the Plan National CSO 2008-05125,financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation:“ Credibilidad de la información y su impacto en la ciudadanía” (“Credibility of information and its impact on citizens”).He is currently the leader of the research project of excellence SEJ-8073 of the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of Andalusia: “Credibilidad del sistema de medios en Andalucía. Confianza de la ciudadanía en los medios audiovisuales” (“Credibility of the media system in Andalusia. Citizens’ trust in the audiovisual media”).He is evaluator of research projects at the Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Forecasting (ANEP). Between 2001 and 2008 he was a member of the Communication Group of the Spanish Commission for UNESCO. He is currently the Vice President for Communications and International Projection of the University of Malaga.


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How to Cite

Gómez Calderón, B., Paniagua Rojano, F. J., & Farias Batlle, P. (2013). The Andalusian elections of 2012 in the national press: Analysis of the coverage of Abc, El Mundo and El País. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 268–289.




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