A proposal for the classification of immersive journalism genres based on the use of virtual reality and 360º video





Immersive journalism, virtual reality, 360-degree video, genres, immersion, immersive genres


Introduction: The use of virtual reality and 360-degree video technologies in the field of journalism has led to the emergence of new lines of research, like the one addressed in this article. Objectives: This study focuses on the exploration of the different issues related to the production of pieces of the so-called immersive journalism and examines how the narrative elements of traditional journalism are reformulated in these immersive pieces. Methods: The study is based on the analysis of 2,178 pieces of immersive journalism produced by Spanish and international media companies, between 2012 and 2017. Results and conclusions: This analysis has allowed us to develop an innovative proposal for the classification of immersive journalism genres, which has not been done before. This typology is based on the analysis of the reformulation of the narrative elements of news storytelling within immersive journalism


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Author Biographies

Adriana Paíno-Ambrosio, University of Salamanca

Adriana Paíno Ambrosio holds a PhD degree from the University of Salamanca, a BA degree in Journalism from the University of Valladolid, and a master’s degree in Communication and creative industries from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her research work focuses on new digital journalism formats, interactive documentaries, cyber-journalism, immersive journalism and fiction and non-fiction transmedia storytelling.

María-Isabel Rodríguez-Fidalgo, University of Salamanca

María Isabel Rodríguez Fidalgo holds a PhD degree, a BA degree in Audiovisual communication and a Diploma in Social work, all from the University of Salamanca. Since 2003, her professional work focuses on the academic world, developing her teaching and research work in the private and public sectors: IE University, the University of Valladolid (2011-2014, Journalism) and the University of Salamanca (2003-2011), where she is currently a professor in the Department of Sociology and Communication, within the area of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Her current research work focuses on the design and construction of new multiscreen media content, new hypermedia-transmedia narratives (fiction and non-fiction interactive documentaries), immersive journalism as well as the uses of new technologies within the context of communication-cyberjournalism, and cyber-democracy. She is the author of several book chapters and articles published in important indexed journals. See the corresponding academic networks. 


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How to Cite

Paíno-Ambrosio, A., & Rodríguez-Fidalgo, M.-I. . (2019). A proposal for the classification of immersive journalism genres based on the use of virtual reality and 360º video. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1132–1153. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2019-1375


