Values and emotional learning in university training, applied to the degree in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona




service-learning, emotional education, education in values, project-based learning, professionalizing skills, interdisciplinary work


This work characterizes SL, from the perspective of positive psychology, as a learning model capable of articulating emotional and values learning in the field of Audiovisual Communication. Then, it describes the experience that the consolidated teaching innovation Group in Communication and Audiovisual Media (In-COMAV), made up of a multidisciplinary teaching team, has been developing since 2016 in the Audiovisual Communication degree at the University of Barcelona. It then presents, within the framework of this experience, the viability criteria established for the acceptance of collaboration projects, the critical success factors, and the results that the initiative has had on students, teachers, the institution, and society. Finally, it points out a series of challenges and limitations that must be overcome to guarantee the viability and effectiveness of SL projects in higher education.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Franganillo , Universidad de Barcelona

Professor and researcher, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media.

Lydia Sánchez , Universidad de Barcelona

Professor and researcher, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media.

María Ángeles García Asensio , Universidad de Barcelona

Professor and researcher, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Philology and Communication.

Anna Marquès , Universidad de Barcelona

Professor and researcher, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media.


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How to Cite

Franganillo , Jorge, Lydia Sánchez, María Ángeles García Asensio, and Anna Marquès. 2021. “Values and emotional learning in university training, applied to the degree in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 79 (March):151-73.




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