The negative election advertising


  • Palma Peña Jiménez Rey Juan Carlos University



political party, electoral spot, negative advertising strategy, campaign, political opponent


Political advertisement has an unequivocal aim during the election campaign: the favorable vote achievement. This message is communicated to the electorate by television and Internet, and it usually presents a negative approach, which includes a direct critical message against the opponent, rather than an exposition of its own proposals. This article is focused on the analysis of the negative election advertisement in audiovisual productions, which is built without further cause than the opponent’s disapproval. It consists of some videos, based on the dissemination of the potential of the organization and the virtues of their candidate– and their election manifesto as well– wasting their time discrediting through the transmission of their messages, many times, ad hominem. We are going through the development of the negative election advertisement since its first appearance, which in Spain dates back to 1996, which coincides with the broadcasting of the famous Doberman’s video, apart from other examples that complete the study referred.


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Author Biography

Palma Peña Jiménez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Palma Peña-Jiménez is professor at the Department of Communication Sciences I of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

She holds a Doctoral degree in Communication from the Rey Juan Carlos University, and a Master’s degree in Teaching of Spanish Language as Foreign Language from the University of Salamanca, where she taught Spanish for several years.

She teaches in the master’s degree in Radio of the Complutense University of Madrid, of the Rey Juan Carlos University, and the master’s degree in Audiovisual Communication of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

She coordinated the 2nd International Congress of the Spanish language, organized by the Cervantes Institute and the Royal Spanish Academy. She has worked in the communication conferences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her main lines of research are radio language, institutional advertising and political communication. She is member of the Association of Political Communication Studies (ACOP) and researcher ascribed to the Congress of Deputies.

She has worked as a script writer for radio and television programmes. She is the author of the novel entitled La calle del silencio (Street of silence), published in 1997 by Huerga & Fierro editors.


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How to Cite

Peña Jiménez, P. (2011). The negative election advertising. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 399–425.


