Study of the hegemonic discourse about truth and communication in the media’s self-referential information, based on the analysis of the Spanish Press


  • José Luis Piñuel Raigada Complutense University of Madrid
  • Juan Antonio Gaitán Moya Complutense University of Madrid



Hegemonic discourse, true communication, self-reference in the media


Through the content analysis of the Spanish Press, this article analyses the media discourses that make reference to any other discourse that, once made an agenda item, refers to the activity of the media themselves. The study unveils the logical constraints of the canonical discourse of this reference; and then compares the media’s canonical discourse on social communication (extracted from the content analysis) with the discourse produced by the press managers of different types of organisations (companies, governmental agencies, political parties, unions, associations, etc.) in order to reveal the central principles on which their discourses about “truth” and “communication” become hegemonic in the media. The objectives of the study are establishing what changes are appropriate to undertake in order to improve the education of journalists, and setting the quality standards of the public service of journalism. The data presented by this article are the result of the R&D project The hegemonic disocurse about truth and communication: what themediasays about Social Communication, (Reference number: SEJ2007-62202-SOCI), which was directed by José Luis Piñuel-Raigada, and whose final report is being prepared.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Piñuel Raigada, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Psychology (Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, 1978) and Doctor in Philosophy (University of Salamanca, Spain, 1979).Professor of Communication Theory and Research Methods and Techniques in Social Communication, at the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid since 1980. 

He has been a visiting professor in various European and American universities. He has participated as an international expert in several working groups of The Council of Europe between 1987 and 1991. 

He has written 14 books and over fifty scientific articles on communication-related.

The list of books include: Producción, Publicidad y Consumo (Production, Advertising and Consumption) (2 volumes, several editions, published by Fundamentos, Madrid, 1983 et seq.); El Consumo Cultural (Cultural Consumption) (published by Fundamentos, Madrid, 1986); El terrorismo en la Transición española (Terrorism in the Spanish Transition) (published by Fundamentos, Madrid, 1987); La Expresión. Una introducción a la filosofía de la comunicación (The Expression. An introduction to the philosophy of communication) (published by Visor, Madrid, 1989);Cultura política y TV en la transición en Chile  (Political Culture and TV in Chile’s transition) (published by the Center for Latin American Studies-CEDEAL, Madrid, 1991); La Dirección de Comunicación. Práctica profesional y  Diccionario técnico (The Communications Department. Professional practice and technical dictionary) (In collaboration with M.H.Westphalen, published by El Prado, Madrid, 1993); Metodología General. Conocimiento científico e investigación en la Comunicación Social (General Methodology. Scientific knowledge and research in Social Communication) (published by Síntesis, Madrid, 1995); Teoría de la Comunicación y Gestión de lasOrganizaciones (Theory of Communication and Management of Organisations) (published by Síntesis, Madrid, 1997); Técnicas de investigación en la Comunicación Social. Elaboración y registro de Datos (Research Techniques in Social Communication. Data processing and entry) (in collaboration with J.A. Gaitán, published by Síntesis, Madrid, 1998); and Ensayo general sobre la comunicación (General essay on communication) (in collaboration with Carlos Lozano, published by Paidos, Barcelona 2006).

Juan Antonio Gaitán Moya, Complutense University of Madrid

Juan Antonio Gaitán-Moya has conducted content analysis research on media discourses on social reality (Press and political discourse, TV and advertising discourse, Television and reality show, Television and programming, self-referential discourse and media universe), and audiences (cultural consumption, child audiences, etc.). 

He is the author or coauthor of several publications derived this empirical research, and about other theoretical and methodological issues related to the field of social communication. His list of books on communication include: Metodología General. Conocimiento científico e investigación en la Comunicación Social (General Methodology. Scientific knowledge and research in Social Communication) (published by Síntesis, Madrid, 1995, in collaboration with Piñuel, J.L.); and Técnicas de investigación en la Comunicación Social. Elaboración y registro de Datos (Research Techniques in Social Communication. Data processing and entry) (in collaboration with J.L. Piñuel, published by Síntesis, Madrid, 1998).


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How to Cite

Piñuel Raigada, J. L., & Gaitán Moya, J. A. (2024). Study of the hegemonic discourse about truth and communication in the media’s self-referential information, based on the analysis of the Spanish Press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65).




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