The 'Prague Spring' in the Spanish Press


  • Emilia Martos Contreras University of Almería by the Cajamurcia Foundation



Praga’s Printemps, pro-Franco Press, censorship, Press Law 1966


Choosing as key event the Prague Spring, bounded between January and September 1968, this article proposes a comparative analysis of three contemporary Spanish newspapers: El Alcazar, Patria and La Voz de Almeria. The study finds that the strong guidance of Franco regime was the basis on which the news articulated the reform process in Czechoslovakia and also his tragic outcome. However, despite of the absence freedom of expression, we have found in the approach of newspapers differentiating shades, demonstrating the existence of cracks through which new ideas surfaced. Although in many case they end up suffering the reprisals of Franco regime, it opens us new horizons for understanding the ambiguity and contradictions in the Press Law of 1966.


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Author Biography

Emilia Martos Contreras, University of Almería by the Cajamurcia Foundation

Research fellow at the University of Almería, for the Cajamurcia Foundation since 2009.

Research fellow for the Cajamurcia Foundation (2007-2009).


University of Almeria, course 2009/2010:

The media in contemporary history. 4 practical credits.

Spain during the Franco Regime. 2 practical credits.

Practicum of modern and contemporary history. 2 practical credits.

Academic qualifications

Master’s degree in Social Communication from the University of Almeria (2008–2009).

Diploma of advanced studies with a Ph.D. degree in “Media and Contemporary Society” from the University of Almería (2007).

Bachelor’s degree in Humanities from the University of Almería (2005). “Best Marks Degree Award”. 

Published articles

“La autoría del 11-M en la Prensa Francesa” (The identification of the perpetrators of 11-M in the French press), in Sucesos, Guerras, atentados. La escritura de la violencia y su representación (Events, Wars, Attacks. The writing and representation of violence). Paris, Université Paris X-Nanterre. 2009.

“Los atentados de Madrid en la Prensa Francesa” (The Madrid Attacks in the French Press), in Historia Actual On-line. Nº18, winter 2009, pp.151-158.

“La Primavera de Praga en el diario comunista Berliner Zeitung” (The Prague Spring in the Communist newspaper Berliner Zeitung). Historia Actual Online. Nº19, spring 2009, pp. 151-161.

“Reseña A tientas con la democracia. Movilización, actitudes y cambio en la provincia de Albacete, 1966-1977” (Review by touch of democracy. Mobilization, attitudes and change in the province of Albacete, 1966-1977), in Historia del Presente, nº14, 2009.

“Año Internacional de la Mujer, una reflexión en torno al humor gráfico” (International Women’s Year, a reflection about graphic humour), in Quirosa-Cheyrouze and Muñoz, Rafael y Ferández Amador, Mónica (editores), IV Congreso Internacional de la Transición: Sociedad y movimientos sociales (IV International Congress of Transition: Society and Social Movements). Almería, University of Almeria. 2009 pp.701-722.

Participation in conferences

“La primavera de Praga en la prensa alemana y española” (The Prague Spring in the German and Spanish press) paper presented at Encuentros PILAR (Newspapers, Printed texts, Lecture in the Roman Area), 13 December 2008.

“Contradicciones y doble moral en la prensa franquista: La Primavera de Praga” (Contradictions and double standards in the Francoist press: The Prague Spring), paper presented at the 6th International Seminar “Nuestro Patrimonio Común” (Our common heritage), Cádiz, 4-7 November 2008.

“Las portadas del 11 de marzo” (The covers of the 11-March) paper presented at Encuentros PILAR (Newspapers, Printed texts, Lecture in the Roman Area), 20 October 2007.


Co-coordinator of the permanent seminar on “Feminist Democracy” organized by the Instituto de Estudios Almerienses. June 2010, Almeria.

Coordinator of the Conferences “New challenges for feminism in the era of Globalization” sponsored by the Equality Delegation of the Council of Andalucía. 3 and 4 December 2009, University of Almeria.

Coordinator of the 4th Congress of the Transition in Spain. Society and Social Movements. 2-6 November 2009, Almeria.

Fellow researcher at the X-Nanterre University (Paris), academic year 2006/2007.

Erasmus student in Salerno (Italy), academic year 2004/2005


German: High-intermediate level. 3rd level certificate by the Official School of Languages of Spain.

Arabic: Basic level. 2nd certificate by the Official School of Languages of Spain.

English: High-intermediate level. First Certificate of English

French: High level. 5th level certificate by the Official School of Languages of Spain.

Italian: High-intermediate level. 3rd level certificate by the Official School of Languages of Spain.



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How to Cite

Martos Contreras, E. (2024). The ’Prague Spring’ in the Spanish Press. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65).


