Audiovisual interpretative skills: between textual culture and formalized literacy


  • Petxo Idoyaga Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • Amaia Andrieu Sanz University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU
  • Estefanía Jiménez Iglesias University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea



Reception, Adolescence and youth, Denotation and connotation, Interpretative skills, Media literacy, Textual culture


This paper presents the results of a study on the process of acquiring interpretative skills to decode audiovisual texts among adolescents and youth. Based on the conception of such competence as the ability to understand the meanings connoted beneath the literal discourses of audiovisual texts, this study compared two variables: the acquisition of such skills from the personal and social experience in the consumption of audiovisual products (which is affected by age difference), and, on the second hand, the differences marked by the existence of formalized processes of media literacy. Based on focus groups of young students, the research assesses the existing academic debate about these processes of acquiring skills to interpret audiovisual materials.


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Author Biographies

Petxo Idoyaga, Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

BA in Journalism (1982), Ph.D. in Information Sciences (1987), and Chair Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2001).

He was Vice President of the Association of Communication Researchers in Spain (AICE) between 1989 and 1991. He was also a founding member of the European research network "Europe, Regions, Television" (EURORTV), from 1991 to 1998. He is currently a secretary of the Spanish Association for Communication Research" (AE-IC).

He teaches "Mass Communication Research" in the bachelor’s degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising; "Communication: Systems and Models" in thebachelor’s degree in Sociology, and "Applied Research on Agenda and Framing" in the Master's Degree in Communications.

He has had three main lines of research throughout his academic activity: "Communication and Culture Policies", with a particular focus on issues related to decentralization processes; "Media and Conflict", in particularly on the media treatment of political conflict and violence in the Basque Country; and finally "Media literacy and interpretative skills," especially those related to adolescence and youth in school.

Following the first of those research lines, he conducted his doctoral thesis on "The decentralization of television in Spain”, which was followed by several studies and individual and joint publications with professors C. Garitaonandía, R. Zallo and others. He has been a guest speaker on several events like, for example, the Congress “Model de TV i model d’Estat” (1988) held in Barcelona and organized by the “Acta Fundación per les Idees i les Arts”, and the “Second A.I.C.E. International Symposium on Communication Policy” (1989) held in Madrid. More recently, he delivered: the inaugural lecture "The World Summit on the Information Society" at the conference “For an Ecology of Communication” organized by ACSUR and the Complutense University of Madrid (2005), and the paper “Regional communities and cultural diversity: a reflection from the Spanish experience” at the “5th Brazil-Spain Colloquium of Communication Sciences” "held in Brasilia (2008). Recently, he has been editor and one of the writers of the book on “Political Systems and Media” in the magazine Viento Sur (2009).

In relation to his research and publications on the subject “Media and Conflicts”, it must be highlighted the publication of the book Al filo de la incomunicación (Fundamentos: 2002) co-written with Professor T. Ramírez de la Piscina, as a result of three-year research on the media treatment of the Basque conflict; and several research papers in the journals Zer, Àgora, Tripodos, Cuaderns del CAC, among others.

In recent years Petxo has worked with the research team “Hedabideak, Gizartea, Hezkuntza” (Media, Society, Education), which has conducted several studies and publications, some of which are included in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social.

Amaia Andrieu Sanz, University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU

Amaia Andrieu Sanz is full professor of Didactics of Plastic Expression in the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression at the University College of Teacher Training of Vitoria-Gasteiz, where she has taught, from the perspective of visual communication, the core and elective subjects assigned to the area of knowledge in the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Physical Education.

At present, her scholarly work focuses on Early Childhood Education, using the Moodle platform of the Virtual Campus of the UPV/EHU as didactic support.

She also participates in the Open Curseware Platform with the subject Visual Education, whose didactic materials have been published online. In addition, she teaches Gender and Image for the area of Education of the Master’s degree on Equality between Women and Men, offered online by the UPV/EHU with the collaboration of Eusko Ikaskuntza - Society of Basque Studies.

Since 2004 she has participated as tutor of training workshops for faculty and as advisor to the degree in Early Childhood Education in the University College of Teacher Training of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in the process of adapting curricula to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Regarding research, she is interested in image analysis, and has participated from 1994 to 2002 in two studies supported by the UPV/EHU. The first study was of interdisciplinary character (Textbooks’ images of biological concepts: digestion-excretion) and the second focused on the analysis of teaching materials in the area (Visual Education in the textbooks of Plastic and Visual Expression in Primary Education).

Her works have been published in journals such as Enseñanza de la Ciencias and Psicodidáctica, as well as in monographs and conference minutes related to such topics. Since 2007 she is part of the research team Hedabideak, Gizarte eta Hezkuntza (Media, Society and Education), focused on the relations between Media, Society and Education.

Estefanía Jiménez Iglesias, University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Estefanía Jiménez Iglesias is a lecturer in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the UPV/EHU, where she has taught, among others, the subjects of Mass Communication Research and Audiovisual Language. She is currently finalising her doctoral thesis, a study on television reception of reality TV formats based on qualitative methodology.

She has published several articles on television and its relationship with new technologies in different academic publications. Since 2007 she has been a member of the HGH research team, which analyses the level of audiovisual literacy in the Basque Country. In 2009 he participated in the first academic research carried out in real time on the news coverage of an electoral process:

As a journalist, she has worked in various Basque media, both written and radio. She has been a visiting professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, campus Chihuahua (Mexico).


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How to Cite

Idoyaga, P., Andrieu Sanz, A., & Jiménez Iglesias, E. (2010). Audiovisual interpretative skills: between textual culture and formalized literacy. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 266–277.


