Spanish animated films: past, present and perspectives of a paradox


  • María Luisa Martínez Barnuevo Complutense University of Madrid



animation cinema, films, Spanish, situation and perspectives


Since 2003 the Spanish full-lenght film of animation is at its peak. The number of producers that enter in the field of animation and the number of productions is growing each year. However, the box-office does not support this production volume. Audiences of two hundred thousand people can’t bear a ten million budget. Despite this, the production keeps growing.

This article is an approach to the paradox of the Spanish full-lenght animation. The information given here is the result of an extensive documental research and several interviews to film-makers and investigators of the current Spanish animation.


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Author Biography

María Luisa Martínez Barnuevo, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University. Master in Publishing by Editorial Santillana and the University of Salamanca.

She is the author of two books on Spanish animation cinema, the last of which appeared in July 2008 and published by the Fundación Autor.

She is a contributor to the Ibero-American Cinema Dictionary and author of several articles for the magazine El Cinéfilo on Spanish animation cinema and also for the Academia Magazine. 


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How to Cite

Martínez Barnuevo, M. L. . (2009). Spanish animated films: past, present and perspectives of a paradox. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 491–507.


