Media background and future expectations as well as regulations when facing digitalization in Spain


  • Julián Sanmartín Navarro Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Núria Reguero i Jiménez Autonomous University of Barcelona



proximity media, radio, television, regulation, Spain


This text aims to describe and analyze the regulation of non-profit radio and television in Spain in the face of digitization, as well as its background and future prospects. In the same way, it also raises a complementary objective: to make a contribution to reflection on the social function that these media play in society. With the purpose of describing the object of study, an inductive approach to it has been carried out using documentary analysis as research techniques, personal consultation with different sources and, eventually, the interview. As an additional objective, this text aims to contribute to reflection on the social function of proximity media.


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Author Biographies

Julián Sanmartín Navarro, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Julián Sanmartín Navarro is a researcher at the Institut de la Comunicació of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​where he is part of the Observatory of Communication Policies.

He has a Diploma of Advanced Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​and in this same university he is doing his doctoral thesis on the television policies of the Generalitat Valenciana. The media structure and communication policies focus his research lines.

Latest publications in 2008: Fernández Alonso, Isabel; Capurro Robles, María; Sanmartín Navarro, Julián and Blasco Gil, José Joaquín (2008): “DTT implementation policies in Europe and the transformation of the television landscape. Analysis of five experiences: the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy and Germany ”, in Fernández Alonso, Isabel and De Moragas i Spá, Miquel (eds.): Communication and cultural policies in Europe. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, pp. 217-248.

Sanmartín Navarro Julián and Bas Portero, Juan José (2008): "The public local digital television in the Valencian Community: state of the art", in Medina, Mercedes and Faustino, Paulo (eds.): "The chaging media Business enviroment" . Lisbon (Portugal): Media XXI, pp. 105-131.

Núria Reguero i Jiménez, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Núria Reguero Jiménez is a researcher at the Incom-UAB Institute of Communication of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a doctoral student in Journalism and Communication Sciences at the same university. Her research work is about the Third Sector of Communication and social change in Spain and Europe.

Other of her lines of research are communication policies, ethnic media and cultural consumption.

Latest publications in 2008: Huertas, Amparo; Reguero, Núria; Sagarzazu, Itxasne: Consum cultural i immigració. The Latin American and Magribian population immigrated to Catalonia. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès: Institut de la Comunicació. Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2008.

Reguero Jiménez, Núria and Sanmartín Navarro, Julián (2008): “Community media in Europen Union communication policies (2004-2008)”, in Proceedings of ECREA’s 2nd European Communication Conferene. Barcelona. [CD ROM].


Arboledas, L. (2008): La industria radiofónica en Andalucía: dependencia económica y control político (1982-2008). Tesis doctoral inédita, Universidad de Granada.

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Fernández Alonso, I., Corominas, M., Bonet, M., Guimerà i Orts, J. A. y Sanmartín Navarro, J. (2007): “Políticas de implantación de la TDT local en España (2005-2006): los casos de Baleares, Madrid, Región de Murcia, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Cataluña y Aragón”, en Observatorio (OBS*), Lisboa, núm. 1: <> [Consulta: noviembre 2008]

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Reguero i Jiménez, N. y Sanmartín Navarro, J. (2008a): “Community Media in European Union Communication Policies (2004-2008)”, en Actas del II Congreso de la European Communication Research and Education Association. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. [CD Rom]

Reguero i Jiménez, N. y Sanmartín Navarro, J. (2008b): “Los medios sin ánimo de lucro ante la televisión digital terrestre (TDT). El caso de Pluralia TV (2007)”, en Actas del Congreso Fundacional I+C Investigar la Comunicación. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. [CD Rom].

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How to Cite

Sanmartín Navarro, J., & Reguero i Jiménez, N. . (2009). Media background and future expectations as well as regulations when facing digitalization in Spain. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (64), 437–443.


