Information commodification: the new informative era in Television


  • Sara Ortells Badenes Jaume I University



Commoditization, Infotainment, Newsmaking, Political themes


Information Commodification appears in the early 90’s as an immediate result of television competitiveness. This phenomenon affects all mass media and it is originating changes in Newsworthy criteria and Newsmaking process. It has even propelled a new genre created from the hybridization of information genre and entertainment one, it is known as Infotainment. This hybrid format is characterised basically for its tendency to themes personification. The change of information conception is also visible in News hierarchy and the time that is assigned to each audiovisual piece Concerning to political themes there are also changes, the approach varies and also does the News structure, presenting a clear tendency to personification, and by extension, to information spectacularization.

The aim of this investigation is to take out conclusions by analysing empirically a sample consisting in a seven days broadcasted News programme from Cuatro. It will be focused in knowing the incidence that Infotainment has in such a stable programme as a television News one. It will also pay attention to the use of the new genre characteristics in the political News confection.


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Author Biography

Sara Ortells Badenes, Jaume I University

Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Translation and Interpretation from the Jaume I University (UJI), Castellón.

Currently, she works as a journalist on Channel 9, and is a student of the Official Master's Degree in New Technologies and Innovation Processes in Communication at the UJI.


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How to Cite

Ortells Badenes, S. . (2009). Information commodification: the new informative era in Television. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 341–353.


