Managerial style in Spanish advertising agencies


  • Cristina Etayo Pérez University of Navarra



Spanish advertising agencies, managerial style, style dimensions, authority sources, motivation devices, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, decisionmaking, centralization, participation, empowerment, time planning, vision, mission, laissez-faire, task-oriented, relationship-oriented, leadership


This paper aims to study the management style of the Spanish advertising agencies. For this purpose, it explores the way in which the dimensions that define the nature of this concept arise in the sector chosen. The analysis begins with the definition of management style as concept followed by an exposition of its main functions and its fundamental dimensions. Then, the paper presents the methodology used to verify how these dimensions appear among managers as well as the results obtained during the fieldwork. Such methodology includes the achievement of in-depth interviews, with the help of a questionnaire of semi-structured questions, and the descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative information obtained from those interviews. The revision of these aspects enriches the study of management at the advertising agencies since it contributes to understand why certain actions have as a consequence one particular kind of relationship between directors and collaborators or another.


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Author Biography

Cristina Etayo Pérez, University of Navarra

Doctor in Economic Sciences. Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra.

She has taught classes on Informational Business and Management of Advertising and Public Relations.

Her research activity has focused on advertising agencies in Spain.

Currently she works on aspects related to advertising and its relationship with the economic cycle and with television advertising.

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How to Cite

Etayo Pérez, C. (2008). Managerial style in Spanish advertising agencies. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 151–164.


