Approach to the research and the situation of Public Relations in Europe. Comparative study between German and Spanish cases




public relations, communication, communication management, Germany, Spain, professional development, research, european theory, organizational approach, social approach, determination hypothesis


With the aim of bring near to the spanish academic field the european approaches of Public Relations, this article makes a compared revision of the situation of this subject and profession in Germany and Spain. This revision shows important resemblances on the use of the term “public relations”, the confusion of this subject with other communicative activities, the professional development and the problems of the field in both countries. However, it also shows that Germany has more tradition on public relations research than Spain and, therefore, it has a more extensive corpus of theories about this subject. For this reason, since important resemblances exist in other aspects, german research on public relations could be interesting for the spanish academic field both to explain the situation of public relations in Spain and to motivate theoretical development in our country.


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Author Biography

María Isabel Míguez González, University of Vigo

María Isabel Míguez González has a doctorate in Communication, Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Vigo (2006). He graduated in Advertising and Public Relations at the same University in 2001, and obtained the End of Degree Award from said center, the End of Degree Award from the Xunta de Galicia and a Special Mention from the Ministry of Education.

She focuses on the field of Public Relations and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Maryland (USA) and the University of Leipzig (Germany).

She has worked in the Press Office of the University of Vigo (2000-2002 ). She has been a partner and collaborator of COMUNIK-T !, a communication and public relations consultant (2003-2006) and has worked as a public relations technician in an association of private education centers (2005-2006).

Published articles:

Approach to research and the situation of public relations in Europe. Comparative study between the Spanish and German cases.


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How to Cite

Míguez González, M. I. (2007). Approach to the research and the situation of Public Relations in Europe. Comparative study between German and Spanish cases. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (62), 182–189.




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