From media impact to oblivion: the loss of news interest as an indicator of the dehumanization of the media




Mass Media, catastrophe, news coverage, ethics, tsunami, Asia


Present opulence news context leads media to redefine their role and functions, in order to give an answer to problems which overturn our society. Furthermore, it is a hopeful moment for Journalism and, particularly, for print press which can get the chance to recover its basic functions. Present age is determined by worldwide speedy transmission of information, but also by the ostracism of events such as conflicts, disasters or other human crisis. These are usually forgotten by journalists when first impact and novelty vanish, although it is not easy to understand the fact that these issues disappear rapidly from news titles to return later because of economic, politic or social disorder, commonly preferred by media to be related. Therefore, this article purposes a reflection on the social role of press, by analysing the interest and news coverage of the tsunami which devastated Asia-Pacific nations last December 2004 and its aftermath.


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Author Biography

Ainara Larrondo Ureta , University of the Basque Country

Researcher and professor of Journalism

Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication

University of the Basque Country-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Published article:

From media impact to oblivion: the loss of news interest as an indicator of the dehumanization of the media Presence of the weblog format in cybermedia: an approach to its uses and functions The report reinvents itself on the web: structure of the hypertext report


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How to Cite

Larrondo Ureta , A. (2006). From media impact to oblivion: the loss of news interest as an indicator of the dehumanization of the media. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (61), 127–133.


