The catalysts for change in communication of companies in the s. XX




Conceptual details, communication characteristics, Spanish company, catalysts, communication


Communication in companies and institutions, that is, the organized way in which entities of all kinds make known their objectives, their functions, etc. It is an old activity in more advanced countries, but in Spain it is a relatively new activity. This has aroused interest in our country in an accelerated manner since the eighties. It is true that what could start out as a fashion has become an apparent need and is on the way to becoming an inherent reality when doing corporate. Either of a corporate or institutional sign.


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Author Biography

María Luisa Sánchez Calero, Complutense University of Madrid

She has been teaching journalism since 1994 in several Spanish universities, both public and private. She is currently a Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2006 in the Department of Journalistic Message Studies (Journalism I).

She also teaches in several private Masters in Spanish Universities and Business Schools such as: Complutense Master in Communication Management in Special Situations (Emergencies, Crisis and Negotiations). "Communication in Organisations". Master's Degree in Scientific Communication, held at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.


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Bel Mallén, J. I. (Coordinador). (2004): “Comunicar para crear valor”. Eunsa, Navarra.

Carrascosa, J. L (1992): “Una comunicación eficaz para el éxito de los negocios”. Ciencias de la Dirección, Madrid.

Losada Vázquez, A. y Esteve Ramírez, F. (Editores) (2003): “El Periodismo de Fuente”. Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia. Salamanca.

Sánchez Calero, M. L. (1998): Tesis Doctoral Inédita . UCM.



How to Cite

Sánchez Calero, María Luisa. 2005. “The catalysts for change in communication of companies in the s. XX ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 60 (January):135-39.


