New modes of identity construction in the informational society


  • Antonio-J. Baladrón Pazos University of Vigo



technologies, information, communication, informational, identity


The expansion of the new information and communication technologies and their practical application, in many cases less than the previous theoretical development, are changing important areas of life in society. The new media create new modes, both professionally and in any other sphere of social relations, as well as in the sphere of intimacy of each person. The change is of such significance that together with the hitherto basis of relationships in society, that is, communication between people (either face to face or through the media), new mechanisms for the integration of the individual into the community and the construction of personal identity, linked to the relationship between man and the computer.

The path traveled is pressing and the future is presented as the protagonist of a hypothesis still unconfirmed, that social relations will be based more and more on human relations -machine, the machine being a pseudohuman or substitute figure of the person. Therefore, the global informational society, still in the process of gestation judging by what happens in many and very varied peripheries, becomes a process that generates revolutionary dynamics or, at least, concrete changes of a revolutionary nature framed in specific contexts and transferable, to a greater or lesser extent, to the whole of the social sphere.


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How to Cite

Baladrón Pazos, A.-J. (2003). New modes of identity construction in the informational society . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (58), 45–48.


