The Belgian press, during the period of liberal pre-eminence (1857-1884)




Belgium, Unionist and Post-Unionist Press, 1830-1857


This article is intended as a continuation of the one published in the second issue of Ambitos under the title "The press in unionist and post-Unionist Belgium (1830-1857)". As was the case then, the historical delimitation of work is due to the political evolution of the country, which between 1857 and 1919 lived in a bipartisan system, hardly altered by the birth of the Belgian Workers' Party in 1885. Thus, the Liberal Party, whose constituent congress was held had celebrated in 1846, ruled between 1857 and 1870 and between 1878 and 1884; While the Catholics, who did not found the party until 1884, held power from 1870 to 1878, and from 1884 until the November 1919 elections.


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Author Biography

Isabel Fernández Alonso

Isabel Fernández Alonso (Asturias, 1969) has a degree in Journalism (1992) from the Complutense University of Madrid and a doctorate in Information Sciences (1998) from the Department of History of Social Communication of the same university, where she was a predoctoral fellow during four years (1993-1997). The main contributions of her doctoral thesis (on media policies in Spain during the transition) are collected in the book State and media in democratic Spain (Madrid: Alianza, 2000), of which she is co-author together with Fernanda Santana.

She was also a predoctoral fellow (1997-1998 academic year) in the Communication, Information and Journalism Section of the Free University of Brussels, where she carried out research tasks in the field of the history of the Belgian press, and a postdoctoral fellow at the Observatory of the Media in Europe of the ULB itself (1998-2000), where he took the turn –which was already pointed out in his thesis- from the field of History towards Communication Structure and Policies. The six publications resulting from the work carried out during this stage - collected in magazines such as Ámbitos, Zer or Historia y Comunicación Social - are the most extensive reference in Spanish on the history and current situation of the Belgian press.

Upon returning to Spain (2000), she joined the San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University as an assistant professor. Although since then she has remained closely linked to this university (even as coordinator of two doctoral programs), she left this position very early to take possession (2001) of a research contract financed by the Spanish Government (within the framework of the Program for the reincorporation of doctors and technologists to Spanish research groups) and assigned to the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. This research contract had a total validity of three years but it was developed in two phases (March 2001-December 2002; July 2003-September 2004) because it had to be obligatorily linked to an R + D + I project in progress . Between both phases, she taught at the Felipe II Center for Higher Studies in Aranjuez and again at the San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University (2002-2003 academic year). All these tasks (research and teaching), always quite focused on the area of ​​Communication Structure and Policies.

Since the beginning of the 2004-2005 academic year, she has combined research tasks at the Institut de la Comunicació of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Incom-UAB) –where she is coordinator of the Observatory of Communication Policies and member of the board of directors– with teaching tasks as an associate professor in the Journalism departments of this same university, of the Abat Oliba-CEU University of Barcelona and of the Ramon Llull University, also located in the Catalan capital.

Since September 2008, she has reconciled her research work at Incom-UAB with the teacher she works at the Ramon Lull University and that of an expert on the University Coordination Council in matters of homologation of foreign studies (started in June 2007 ).

Among her publications - in addition to the book State and the media in democratic Spain - have had a special impact: - The monograph of the Quaderns del CAC magazine “International communication and communication policies”, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the MacBride Report and published in 2005 in English, Spanish and Catalan. She is one of the coordinators of the monograph and the author of an article on "UNESCO's communication policies in 2005. What remains of the MacBride spirit?"

- The book Press Subsidies in Europe (published in English and Catalan in 2006 by the Generalitat de Catalunya and in Korean, in 2007, by the South Korean Press Freedom Commission), of which she is co-editor and co-author of a chapter on "Press Subventions in Europe in 2006. Categories, Funding Provided and Assignation Systems?". An update of some contributions of this book, along with other novel issues, was collected in 2008 in a central notebook of the Telos magazine, coordinated by herself and by Miquel de Moragas.

-The book Communication and Cultural Policies in Europe (Barcelona: Lexikon, 2008), of which she is co-editor and co-author of a chapter on “Implantation policies in Europe and the transformation of the television landscape. Analysis of five experiences: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Spain ”.

She has the accreditations for the categories of assistant professor doctor (since 2003), contracted doctor (2004), professor of private university (2004) and professor (2008) of the ANECA, as well as the accreditation of research (2004) of the Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU).


Bertrand, L. (1906-1907): Histoire de la démocratie et du socialisme en Belgique depuis 1830. Bruselas: Dechenne et Cia.

Braive, G. (1967): "Les groupes de presse belges en 1858", en Revue belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, nº 2, pp. 411. DOI:

Kovalovszky, I. (1985): L'Universel (1859-1861). Un quotidien catholique libéral bruxellois. Bruselas: Editions Nauwelaerts.

Lory, J. (1963): Panorama de la presse belge en 1870-1871. Lovaina: Editions Nauwelaerts.

Maville, J. (1997): Histoire politique de la Belgique. Facteurs et acteurs de changement. Bruselas: Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques.

Simon, A. (1956): L'Hypothèse Libérale en Belgique. Documents inédits 1839-1907. Wetteren: Editions Scaldis.

Soete, J. L. (1996): Structtures et organisations de base du parti catholique en Belgique (1863-1884). Lovaina la Nueva: Editions Peeters.



How to Cite

Fernández Alonso, I. (2000). The Belgian press, during the period of liberal pre-eminence (1857-1884) . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (55), 1–4.


