Challenges for journalism facing social networks, fake news and the distrust of Z Generation




social media; journalism; fake news; youth; Z generation; distrust; communication.


Introduction: Social networks have become in the current crisis scenario not only the channel most consumed by young people, but also an uncontrolled flow of information that tends to polarize opinions, fuel controversies and sow distrust. The media -and with them journalists- must define new communicative models adapted to these virtual spaces where they can recover their legitimacy and counteract the problematic expansion of disinformation. This paper focuses on the study of trust, consumption and perception of young Spaniards towards the media and fake news, on the premise that knowledge of audiences will help professionals to recover the essence of journalism. Methodology: Based on a descriptive and exploratory quantitative methodology, a questionnaire was applied to a population of 465 young people between 18 and 24 years old. The analysis focuses on two study constructs: 1) use and consumption of media and social networks; and 2) reception, distinction and perception of fake news. Results: The results show an open distrust of Generation Z towards media, networks, politicians and journalists. The great paradox is that, admitting their distrust towards networks, young people declare their massive consumption. Discussion and conclusions: The adequacy between the information that is communicated and reality, as well as the connection with the expectations of those who receive it, stands as a substantial and unpostponable challenge for journalism in the challenge of legitimizing its discourse in social networks.


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Author Biographies

Ana Pérez-Escoda, Universidad Nebrija

Professor and researcher in the Innovation in Communication and Media group (Nebrija Innomedia) at the Faculty of Communication and Arts of the Antonio de Nebrija University. She is a member of different national and European R&D projects, her lines of research focus on digital literacy, digital skills, and digital communication, with special attention to social networks. She is the author of the book Alfabetización mediática, TIC y competencias digitales (UOC) and co-editor of Cartografía de la Comunicación postdigital. Medios y audiencias en la sociedad de la COVID-19 (Aranzadi), as well as numerous research articles in national and international journals. She has been a Postgraduate coordinator and the coordinator of teaching innovation at UPSA (2017-2020), and associate editor of the journal Comunicar JCR Q1 (2017-2020).

Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban , Universidad Nebrija

Professor and main researcher of the Innovation in Communication and Media group at the Faculty of Communication and Arts of the Antonio de Nebrija University. He has been a news editor for Cadena SER, a scriptwriter for musical shows at Los 40; collaborator in COPE and Onda Cero; and consultant for Radio Blanca. He is the author of the books La radio musical en España: historia y análisis; La industria audiovisual y publicitaria en Castilla y León (with Ángel Badillo and Marta Fuertes) and La televisión y los niños (with Javier Muñoz). He is co-editor of La transformación digital de la radio (with José Mª García-Lastra) and of Cartografía de la Comunicación postdigital. Medios y audiencias en la sociedad de la COVID-19 (with Ana Pérez Escoda). Editor of the digital weekly ‘Pantallas, Ondas, Frames y Bits’. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Journalism.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Escoda, A., & Pedrero Esteban , L. M. . (2021). Challenges for journalism facing social networks, fake news and the distrust of Z Generation. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (79), 67–85.



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