El País, dependency and misinformation


  • Lara Prieto Alvela University of Leon




El Pais, Newspaper, Essay, Impartiality


El presente ensayo tiene como origen la lectura analítica del libro “El periodismo herido”, de J.M de Pablos. El autor hace un análisis exhaustivo de una serie de fenómenos que vienen produciendo en el diario El País, y que lo alejan de lo que debería ser el periodismo ético y profesional.

Although the book has not substantially modified the opinion that I had formed during years of critical reading of the newspaper itself, it has given it a new orientation. What was new for me has been the awareness of the multitude of spelling errors, unnecessary repetition or omission of words, errors of form, etc., that appear on the pages of the newspaper under study.

In the future, my critical readings of this and other newspapers will have a new incentive: the search for errors of form. Unfortunately, search success is guaranteed. It is scandalous that a newspaper, counting on the means available to El País, commits this type of error that leads to discredit before its readers. These inaccuracies should be offensive even to those who fully identify with the editorial line of the newspaper.



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How to Cite

Prieto Alvela , Lara. 2004. “El País, dependency and misinformation ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 59 (January):41-43. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2004/08.


