Screen or terminal? A new concept of television


  • Tatiana Millán Paredes University of Extremadura (UEX)



Screen, Terminal, Television, Technology, Cable, Satellite, Waves


The great technological change that is affecting the "small screen" has revolutionized the foundations of the society in which we operate. At this time we can speak more than of a mass society where the traditional media exerted strong influences, of a global world determined by individual agents who are related at a particular level within the philosophy of what we already call “cybersociety”, due to the influence that the Internet phenomenon and its theoretically participatory and interactive approach is having at all levels. For the first time, there is strong competition for television as an element of entertainment and access to the outside world. The new generations develop by actively interacting with the screen and demand a much more participatory position when they adopt the role of television audiences. The margin of choice is widened, for the first time “instead of presenting the viewer as a victim of the brutalizing effect of the box of images, as a drug addict of the excessive use of the traveling machine in his own mind, we want to see him as someone who builds its program between the multiple requests of the grid offered "[1]


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How to Cite

Millán Paredes , Tatiana. 2004. “Screen or terminal? A new concept of television ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 59 (January):44-47.


