Perspectives of the Spanish University in the European Higher Education Area


  • Antonio Aguilera Jiménez University of Sevilla
  • María Teresa Gómez del Castillo Segurado University of Sevilla



University studies, European Studies, Higher level education, College


With the integration of the Spanish University System in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), important changes are taking place that will shape the University of the XXI century. With these pages we intend to encourage critical reflection on these facts, delving into the ultimate reasons for this Reform and analyzing what will be the role assigned to the University by the great powers of the Knowledge Society and how these changes will affect the university community and citizens in general who in one way or another participate in its financing and in its scientific and cultural influence.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Jiménez, A., & Gómez del Castillo Segurado, M. T. (2004). Perspectives of the Spanish University in the European Higher Education Area. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (59), 51–56.


