The article, a genre between opinion and current affairs


  • Rafael Yanes Mesa University of La Laguna, ULL



Information Sciences, Journalism, Journnalistic genres, Article


The article is a journalistic gender of opinion that reflects the interpretation that its author makes on matters of the informative present time informative, it is about a text in which the most recent news are interpreted, aspect that differentiates it of a literary article its structure enjoys absolute freedom, for what some researchers affirm that so many types of articles like authors exist. However, we can distinguish four modalities of this journalistic gender.

The column is an article model in which its author has total freedom to emit his trials on the matters that he considers appropriate, and he makes it in a newspaper where it has a location, an extension and a fixed periodicity.

The editorial is a kind of article by means of which the owner of a newspaper manifests openly on matters of social transcendence or politics.

The signed article is an article whose author is not an integral journalist of the staff of the newspaper who writes in a sporadic way and with absolute expressive freedom a test without a location neither fixed extension.

The obituary is the article in which one makes a biographical sketch with intimate details and a character’s professional data with reason of his o her death.


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Author Biography

Rafael Yanes Mesa, University of La Laguna, ULL

Sixth Diputado del Común (ombudsman) in the Canary Islands (since 2018) and historian of Canarian journalism.


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How to Cite

Yanes Mesa, Rafael. 2004. “The article, a genre between opinion and current affairs”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 59 (January):186-95.


