Shin Chan, a compendium of countervalues


  • Francisco Javier Fernández Obregón University of La Laguna, Tenerife



Cartoonist, Comics, Shin Chan, Demystify, Sex, Violence, Alcohol, Japan


Comic artist Yoshito Usui imagined and created Shin Chan in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In 1991 he began publishing a comic strip in a small Japanese newspaper in which he intended to demystify the image of the housewife through a 5-year-old boy and his family. The success was immediate and the social criticism and comic humor spread. He soon began publishing Shin Chan comic albums that were well received. With this sudden success, those responsible for TV Asahi would soon arrive to propose to Usui to take the big step: to take Shin Chan from paper to television in the form of an animated series. In 1992 Shin Chan began to be broadcast in Japan, bringing the same comic stories to the screen, although those responsible for TV Asahi asked Usui to soften its contents because it was possible that it also attracted children, despite the fact that the series was designed for an adult audience. But no matter how much it was softened, Shin Chan revolutionized and created controversy in Japan, not because of the aspects that are emphasized today in the West, since sexuality and irreverence in cartoons is not something new for the Japanese, but because in a certain way way he mocked the strict and serious Japanese customs.


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Bautista, J. M.: ¡Socorro! Tengo un hijo codificado, Revista Fere, nº445.

Carreira, S. (2004): Shin Chan, un año de polémica, La Voz de Galicia, 3 de junio de 2004.

El País (2003): Los expertos piden un Consejo Audiovisual para combatir laviolencia infantil, 16 de octubre de 2003.

El País (2003): Los niños pasan casi el mismo tiempo ante el televisor que en clase, 16 de octubre de 2003.

Informe del Defensor del Menor de la Comunidad de Madrid sobre la serie Shin Chan. Madrid, 20 de octubre de 2003.

López, A: Fenómeno Shin Chan.

Los Derechos del Niño y los Medios de comunicación: Directivas y Principios para informar sobre temas relacionados con el niño (aprobado por la FIP –Federación Internacional de Periodistas-), 2 de mayo de 1998.



How to Cite

Fernández Obregón, F. J. . (2004). Shin Chan, a compendium of countervalues. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (59), 155–159.


