Artificial intelligence in journalism: case study of the project “A European Perspective” (EBU)




Artificial intelligence, Journalism, Television, EBU, Automatic translation, Recommendation system, A European perspective.


Introduction: On July 1st, 2021, several European public broadcasters officially launched the project “A European Perspective”. It is an online news exchange service developed within the EBU - European Broadcasting Union, which brought together ten public broadcast companies from nine countries. This project uses Artificial Intelligence for the translation and recommendation of content produced by the participants and that can be freely used on their websites. The main objectives of the project are the fight against misinformation and the affirmation of the European values ​​in a social context in which social networks have been gaining more and more influence among public opinion. Methodology: This paper, a case study, explains how the project works and analyses the type of content shared in the first two months of operation on the website of RTP- Rádio Televisão Portuguesa. Results and Conclusions The project is meeting the objectives initially defined by the EBU, especially in terms of offering different perspectives on issues that are subject to disinformation processes, such as the pandemic, and solidifying a European vision based on rigor and transparency of the news produced by public European broadcasters without the need of large additional investments.


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Author Biography

Joao Canavilhas, Universidade da Beira Interior

Professor at the Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã - Portugal), has a degree in Social Communication from this University and a Ph.D. from the Universidad de Salamanca (Communication, Culture, and Education). He is a researcher and element of the management unit Labcom - Communication and Arts evaluated by the Fundação para a Ciência e tecnología com Muito Bom). He is a consultant in research projects in Portugal, Spain, and Brazil and author/co-author of 10 books, 45 book chapters, and 52 articles in scientific journals. His research work focuses on the field of communication and new technologies, particularly in the influence of the Internet and mobile devices in journalism and politics.


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How to Cite

Canavilhas, J. (2022). Artificial intelligence in journalism: case study of the project “A European Perspective” (EBU). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 1–13.



Application of artificial intelligence in communication

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