Measurement indicator to psychology online in Latin American in pandemic times




psychology; epidemics; factor analysis; latin America; electronic commerce; safety; access to information


Introduction: In the areas of technology and virtualization from provide online services in pandemic times there is a possibility psychology online acquiring services thinking that web sites are confidence for users and good quality. This paper proposes a number of indicators to websites evaluation that provide online services psychology in Latin American. Methodology: Whit experimental methodology were tracked 144 websites online services psychology assessing objectives variables with the purpose of factor analysis to the indicators building. Results: According the proposed indicators Brazil (=2.00) is identified that scored best indicator, followed by Argentina (=2.5), Chile (=2.67) y Colombia (=3.5); Integra Medical (Chile) (IMPOL=0.4629) get the better calification in Latin America, Discussion: Despite the pandemics conditions of the world actually, latent need the persons to access psychology online therapy, the web site aspects lacking to web quality with safety, accessibility and web positioning. Conclusions: Measurement indicator to psychology online (MIPOL) is a tool that permit to evaluate websites this category and detected strengths and weaknesses each web sites.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Andrés Trejos-Gil, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Faculty of Communication, Advertising, and Design, Social Communication program. Luis Amigó Catholic University. Luis Amigó Catholic University. International Master in Strategic Management; Master in Business Administration and Management (MBA). Senior Management Specialist. Publicist. Administrative Engineer. Research professor in social communication, business administration, marketing, advertising, ICT, and Learning. Business consultant in administrative, commercial, financial, and marketing areas. Trainer in ICT and digital technologies. Research areas: ICT; Digital marketing; B-Learning; Cybercultures; Administration; Marketing; Social Sciences; Technology.

Huber Yesid Castro Escobar , Luis Amigó Catholic University

Professor in the area of ICT and Education, Research Professor in Education, ICT, and Audiovisual Media, and Leader of the Quality of Life Research Group, of the Luis Amigó Catholic University. Master in Communication from the Universidad del Norte. Degree in Computer Science and Audiovisual Media from the University of Córdoba. Research areas: ICT, Education, and Communication for Social Change.

Omar Augusto Amador Sánchez, Luis Amigó Catholic University

Professional in Psychology, a specialist in Cognitive Therapy, and Magister in Psychology from the University of San Buenaventura-Medellín. With more than 10 years of experience in individual clinical care, professor and researcher in Psychopathology, cognitive clinical psychology, and trainer in related topics. Research areas, Clinical Psychology, Suicide, online psychology, psychopathology, social and behavioral sciences. Researcher of the research group Basic and Applied Neurosciences (NBA by its acronym in Spanish) of the Luis Amigó Catholic University.


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How to Cite

Trejos-Gil, C. A., Castro Escobar , H. Y. ., & Amador Sánchez, O. A. . (2020). Measurement indicator to psychology online in Latin American in pandemic times. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (78), 457–476.


