Artificial intelligence in RTVE at the service of empty Spain. News coverage project with automated writing for the 2023 municipal elections
Artificial Intelligence, automated news writing, empty Spain, RTVE, innovation, municipal elections, journalistic narrativesAbstract
Introduction: Automated news writing is one of the technological advances that raises most questions, but also expectations, within the application of artificial intelligence in the media. Currently, RTVE (Radio Televisión Española) is working on a pilot project together with the company Narrativa Inteligencia Artificial to cover the municipal elections of 2023 in the areas that are part of the so-called empty Spain. A project that contemplates the automatic writing of news by a technological tool that interprets and transforms the election results and turns them into news without human intervention. Methodology: This work is based on the systematic review of existing literature on the subject and is a case study in which open interviews have been conducted with four of the managers of the companies mentioned. Discussion and results: A pioneering, state-of-the-art initiative in which RTVE, using technology as a lever, aims to increase the dissemination and reach of news in regions with scarce journalistic coverage. Conclusions: The artificial intelligence applied to journalism leads to competitiveness, flexibility, fluidity and fast. This paradigm shift for the profession must have its limits in a code of ethics that rules this innovative way of automating the writing of news. Nevertheless, its proper use will allow, as in this case, to integrate and vertebrate territories, with news formats adapted to each target audience.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luisa Graciela Aramburú Moncada, Isaac López Redondo, Antonio López Hidalgo
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