Enhancing narrative innovation in Radio Televisión Canaria. The use of augmented reality in the news coverage of La Palma volcanic eruption
augmented reality, immersive journalism, journalistic storytelling, audiovisual storytelling, television, visual journalism, journalistic innovationAbstract
Introduction: Augmented reality has been introduced in journalism as a distinguishing proposal that offers new possibilities for storytelling and for connecting with an audience disengaged from traditional media. Specifically, this article studies the use of this technology as an audiovisual narrative tool in the Radio Televisión Canaria’s programme “1 Hora Menos” for the coverage of the Cumbre Vieja volcano eruption in La Palma. Methodology: It was combined the content analysis of the augmented reality pieces broadcasted by the above-mentioned space to inform about the evolution of the volcanic activity (n=50), specifically from the moment when is activated the alert for volcanic risk until one month after the eruption, with semistructured interviews with professionals and managers from RTVC. Results: The results suggest that the informative ability of augmented reality turns it into a useful tool for informing the audience about complex issues, while at the same time it facilitates the understanding and assimilation of the information. Its use requires teamwork and careful planning of the virtual scenography, in which the interaction of the journalist will be key in order not to reduce the naturalness and realism of the experience. Discussion and Conclusions: Applied to the news story, augmented reality represents a narrative disruption that allows to renew the way of representing reality and bringing events closer to the audience, while allowing to experience and understand the events of the news in a way that would not be possible with other formats.
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