MBA’s in Mexico and their impact on corporate reputation executive training




Corporate communication, executive training, intangible assets, MBA, reputation, CEO, general manager


Introduction: This research analyzes whether the executive training offered by the MBA courses in Mexico provide reputation management training to future CEOs. The goal is to know the opinion of the heads of these programs regarding the object of study, as well as to delve into the design of the curriculums and the role of reputation. Methodology: An exploratory deductive research has been carried out where methodological triangulation is applied through two research techniques: the theoretical framework and the in-depth interview. Results: The academic managers of the MBA’s understand the importance of managing properly, but they do not consider that it should include specific subjects in the study plans, but treat it in a transversal way. Conclusions and discussion: There is a vision of reputation linked to economic results. The core of the studies is in the development of the dimensions linked to traditional business practice.


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Author Biographies

José Rafael Santana-Villegas, Panamerican University

Ph.D. in Social Communication from Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid, Spain. Master's Degree in Human Talent Management from Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara. Graduated in Communication Sciences and Techniques from Universidad del Valle de Atemajac. He is currently the Director of the School of Communication at the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara, where he also held the position of Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations. His management experience spans more than 20 years in the tourism industry, the shopping mall industry, as well as in university centers.

Pedro Linares, Panamerican University

Specialist in Anthropology and Ethics, as well as in Didactic Competencies from Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara. He holds a degree in Information Sciences from Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid, Spain. He currently combines university teaching with professional development in the field of communication and reputation management. He is a professor at the Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara and the Centro Universitario CESUGA in A Coruña. Currently, he is also the coordinator for Mexico of Villafañe & Asociados, a reputation management strategy consulting firm based on business KPIs.

Juan Enrique Gonzálvez-Vallés, Complutense University of Madrid

Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Degree in Journalism. He belongs to the Department of Communication Theories and Analysis of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Previously, he belonged to the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at Universidad CEU San Pablo. He was also the coordinator of the Digital Communication platform #CORRSS, for the management of social media of the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences. He is part of the Neuromarketing Laboratory NeurolabCenter as well as the Research Group 'Concilium' and the Research Group 'UCM Brand Lab: Innovation in brand neuro-communication for the management of organizational intangibles'.

Mónica Viñarás-Abad, Complutense University of Madrid

Assistant Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the same university. Accredited as a full professor by ANECA and with a six-year research period. Her lines of research focus on corporate social responsibility, communication in cultural institutions, vulnerable audiences, and digital communication.  She has experience in university management as a degree director at the Universidad CEU San Pablo for six years where she was also a Master's Degree coordinator and responsible for the Observatory of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. She has been a member of several R+D+i projects and has scientific publications and communications in congresses related to her lines of research.


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How to Cite

Santana Villegas, J. R., Fernández Linares, P., Gonzálvez Vallés, J. E., & Viñarás Abad, M. (2023). MBA’s in Mexico and their impact on corporate reputation executive training. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (81), 423–445.




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