Identities and exposure to online violence. Approach to a thematic classification of hate messages.




Violence, Social media, Hate speech, Digital identity, gender studies, Youth


Introduction: Ideas that promote justice and equality circulate through social networks, allowing, at the same time, the propagation of hate messages that favour exert online violence. Under these premises, based on the perception of the youth population within the territory of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, violence on social networks is quantified, described and systematized from a gender perspective. Methodology: A questionnaire survey was conducted using a quantitative approach. The form was distributed among the population aged between 14 and 30, using the snowball technique, and a total of 938 participants were registered. Results: A different impact of violence according to sex and sexual orientation is shown, with women and especially people who declare themselves as non-binary being the ones who have received more aggressions, as well as those people defined themselves with a non-heteronormative sexual orientation. Regarding the themes and categories systematized from the violent accounts collected, clearly those referring to physical aspect and political and ideological stances account for almost half of the total comments. Discussion and conclusions: the analysis of networked violence, especially the attack on non-normative bodies, subversive identities and diverse subjectivities, is explored in greater depth.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Romo Parra, University of Malaga

of Social and Labor Studies, University of Malaga.

She is a full professor in the area of Social Work and Social Services at the Department of Social Psychology, Social Work and Social Services, and Social Anthropology at the University of Malaga. She was the coordinator of the Master's Degree in Social and Community Research and Intervention at the University of Malaga between 2014 and 2018. The author teaches subjects related to social intervention from a gender perspective in both undergraduate and graduate programs, and is a member of the Women's Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar at the University of Malaga since 1990. She has a six-year research accreditation and participates in regional, national, and European projects and has scientific publications related to women's and gender studies.

Índice H: 5

Orcid ID:

Lucía Sell Trujillo, University of Seville

Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Seville.

Assistant Professor at the University of Seville and PhD in Social Psychology from the London School of Economics. She has conducted research in the field of public policies at the CSIC, the European Commission, and for the British government. She has worked as a cultural mediator in the peripheral neighborhoods of the city of Seville. She is a member of the permanent scientific committee of the Directorate General for Gender-Based Violence, Equal Treatment, and Diversity of the Andalusian Government, which coordinates the International Congress for the Study of Violence against Women. Her research lines are related to gender inequality and violence, social networks, territorial stigmatization, feminization of poverty, and social movements.

Índice H: 7

Orcid ID:

Scopus ID:

Teresa Vera Balanza, University of Malaga

Department of Journalism. Faculty of Communication Sciences.

She is a Full Professor of Journalism and co-director of the National R&D&I Project ``Youth produsage on social networks and manifestations of gender inequalities: new forms of violence" (FEM2017-83302-C3-2-P), as well as the European projects "AAA Arguments Against Aggression: Strategies and Tools against Hate Speech in Face-to-Face Encounters and in Social Media" (2018-2021) and "Non-formal Skills improvement and Recognition for adult learners" for the period 2020-2022. She has participated in the Global Media Monitoring Project WACC 2015 and coordinated the Spain team in the 2020 edition. Her latest publication is "Feminisms, violence, and social networks: Ibero-American practices and strategies against hate speech."

Índice H: 4

Orcid ID:

Scopus ID:

José Jesús Delgado Peña, University of Malaga

Department of Mathematics Education, Social Sciences Education, and Experimental Sciences Education. Faculty of Education Sciences.

As a Full Professor, he stands out for his work as coordinator of research groups, especially in the field of International Cooperation, Educational Innovation, and Lifelong Learning, both at the national level (2 projects) and in the Erasmus+ program (8 projects) . He has produced a large number of publications, including articles (34), books and chapters (32), professional creations (4), and contributions to congresses (68). In addition, he has had numerous stays in foreign centers, both in Latin America (Panama, Cuba, Ecuador) and Europe (Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden). He has been Director of the Elderly+55 Classroom at the University of Malaga for 4 years and currently serves as Deputy Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and President of the Working Group on Geography Education of the Spanish Geography Association (AGE).

Índice H: 3

Orcid ID: 



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How to Cite

Romo Parra, C., Sell Trujillo, L., Vera Balanza, T., & Delgado Peña, J. J. (2023). Identities and exposure to online violence. Approach to a thematic classification of hate messages. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (81), 539–553.




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