The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning: notes for a revolution?


  • Ángel Acosta Romero Sevilla University



At the end of the second millennium, we are undoubtedly at a historical crossroads. And we do not believe that this is just a cliché that has been repeated and, almost always, adorned with apocalyptic overtones. A crossroads is a crossroads, that is to say, doubt and openness to different possibilities. Doubt, it is true, forces us to choose. Freedom, in this case, is imposed on us. We must choose, and we must do so while being aware of our limits and our potential. The crisis of society - of a model of society - reflects and is reflected by the crisis of knowledge. We already know that subject and object are mutually configured and cannot be artificially isolated. To confront the revolution in knowledge is to confront, at the same time, a political revolution, i.e. an integral revolution, in which man (humanity) recognises itself in its complex becoming (homo sapiens/demens, as Morin calls it).


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Llano, A. (1989): La nueva sensibilidad. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe.

Morin, E. (1995): Introducción al pensamiento complejo. Barcelona, Gedisa.

Roger Ciurana, E. (1997): Edgar Morin. Introducción al pensamiento complejo. Valladolid, Universidad.



How to Cite

Acosta Romero, Ángel. (1998). The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning: notes for a revolution?. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 205–210.


