Democratic memory and far-right: study of Instagram messages from candidates and parties in Italy and Spain




far-right, Instagram, democratic memory, political manipulation


Introduction: social networks have become a refuge for the transmission of messages – often highly emotional – that the populist extreme right transmits about the issues they include in the agenda setting. Democratic memory that deals with tragic events and victims and their reparation related to fascist or dictatorial regimes is one of these highly sensitive topics. Methodology: a full year has been analyzed, between 01/09/2022 and 31/08/2023, of publications related to democratic memory on Instagram accounts linked to far-right candidates and parties in Italy and Spain. By implementing a Likert scale, the use of the different discursive strategies that defined these messages was coded, as well as their level of engagement. Results: the first conclusion points to a greater use of content related to memory that is made in the Italian accounts compared to the Spanish ones, conditioned by the different political situation that exists in the two countries. Regarding the strategies detected, the use of disorientation and the attack on the opposition stands out, as well as the comparison of the crimes of fascism with those committed by radical left groups. Discussion: the findings complement other studies referring to the proliferation of these far-right options that have spread throughout different countries in both Europe and other continents. Conclusions: the Italian far-right uses more than Spanish one the resource of memory in its Instagram messages, but it usually does so in response to accusations from the opposition, within a strategy of hiding its affiliation with fascism and the cult of Mussolini.


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Author Biographies

Carlos López-Olano, Universitat de València

Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia, with two six-year research recognition. He has also taught at different degrees and postgraduate, at Universities such as Jaume I de Castellón (UJI), Cardenal Herrera (CEU), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Valencian International University (VIU) or University of Virginia (USA). He has been a researcher and visiting professor at Alma Mater Studiorum Univ. of Bologna, Vrije Universiteit of Brussels, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Roehampton in London and Glasgow (UK). He has worked as a journalist for 25 years in different media, such as Antena 3 Televisión, Canal 9 or À Punt. His research focuses on public radio and television and the new possibilities opened by multiplatform and transmedia technologies, especially in the field of podcasts, and about the study of democratic memory as a communicative phenomenon.

Sebastián Sánchez-Castillo, University of Valencia

Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Valencia. Doctor en Comunicación Audiovisual, licenciatura en Comunicación Audiovisual e Historia del Arte. Trabajó en la cadena pública Radio Televisión Valenciana desde 1989 a 2013. También ha sido investigador y profesor visitante en Chile, Argentina, Escocia, Inglaterra y Portugal, así como en diversas universidades españolas. Es autor de más de 80 artículos de investigación en revistas de referencia JCR y Scopus, así como 40 capítulos de libros en las primeras posiciones del SPI. Evaluador de proyectos de investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia en Innovación de España. Su investigación se centra en el conocimiento y los efectos de los medios, el establecimiento de agenda, el encuadre y la comunicación audiovisual y su persuasión.


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How to Cite

López-Olano, Carlos, and Sebastián Sánchez-Castillo. 2024. “Democratic memory and far-right: study of Instagram messages from candidates and parties in Italy and Spain”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (April):1-16.




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