“The war that lingers”: Construction and transformations of the body in the narratives and rhetoric of Colombia’s professional soldiers





body, Colombian army, war experiences, narratives


This article analyses the ways in which Colombian soldiers narrate their bodily experiences at
the military school, the combat zone, and the Private José María Hernández Health Battalion
(BASAN). To be precise, the article deals with the narratives in which the lowest ranks of the
Colombian National Army express how they became warriors, wounded elements and patients who wait for the medical board to determine their percentage of disability while planning for a future. The
study accounts for the ways in which the institution’s “expendables” (Butler, 2006) describe their
corporalities. We refer to professional soldiers as “expendables” based on testimonies in which soldiers
refer to themselves as the institution’s “cannon fodder”, as combatants that are easily replaceable, and
as elements that the Army does not protect once their “useful life has expired”.


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Author Biographies

Catalina González Quintero, University of los Andes

Philosophy Professor. Reareach interests: Modernity (Hume and Kant), skepticism, rhetoric, hermeneutics, philosophy of death.

Ana María Forero Ángel, University of los Andes

Ana María Forero Angel is an associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at the Universidad de los Andes. She obtained his doctorate in Theory and Ricerca Sociale emphasis in cultural anthropology at the Università La Sapienza in Rome. His academic interests are concentrated in Anthropology of the State and Power. She has focused his pedagogical interests in contemporary anthropology, anthropology of the State and in reflections focused on textual production in the discipline.

Simón Ramírez González, University of los Andes

Anthropologist and philosopher, MA student in Public Policies. Research Assistant


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How to Cite

González Quintero, C., Forero Ángel, A. M., & Ramírez González, S. . (2019). “The war that lingers”: Construction and transformations of the body in the narratives and rhetoric of Colombia’s professional soldiers. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1488–1505. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2019-1395


