Coronavirus in the mobile device ecosystem: developers, discourses and reception




COVID-19, 2019-nCoV, apps, mobile environment, Android, iOS, smartphones


Introduction: This research explores the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the ecosystem of mobile applications. Methodology: The search and location of apps on COVID19 on the Google Play and Apple Store platforms are used to select the ones with the greatest impact and diffusion for which a quantitative analysis was performed. Results: The research has focused on four aspects: (1) the appearance of these applications and their evolution according to current events during the first months of 2020; (2) the characteristics, purposes, and features of the discourse; (3) what traits identified the issuers and, finally, (4) the reception that users made about the apps. Discussion: the two main types of developers (government entities and private initiatives) focused on disease control and diagnosis applications, along with others that tried to alleviate the growing demand for information.


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Author Biographies

Alicia Gil-Torres, The University of Valladolid

Doctor in Journalism (Extraordinary Award), Master in Political Consulting, Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations and Graduated in Journalism. Assistant Professor at the University of Valladolid in the degree of Journalism. Member of the research project "Politainment in the post-truth environment: new narratives, clickbait, and gamification" and of the GIR Nuteco. Her lines of research are political communication, electoral campaigns, and communication.

Juan Martín-Quevedo, Rey Juan Carlos University

Assistant Professor of Projects in the network in the degrees of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Rey Juan Carlos University. Member of the Communication and Digital Society research group at the International University of La Rioja. His lines of research are social networks, scientific communication, and media history.

Salvador Gómez-García, The University of Valladolid

Doctor, with international mention, from the Complutense University of Madrid, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Journalism Area of the University of Valladolid. He has been a visiting professor at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Catholic University of Santiago de Chile, and I.T. Copenhagen, among other institutions. His current line of research is part of the narrative of the new media. He has published more than twenty articles in indexed scientific journals, such as Comunicar, Intefaçe: Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico,, or Palabra Clave.

Cristina San José-De la Rosa, The University of Valladolid

Doctor in Journalism, Master in Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching, Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Hispanic Philology. Professor at the University of Valladolid in the degree of Journalism. Her lines of research are journalism, and film, and mass media.


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How to Cite

Gil-Torres, A., Martín-Quevedo, J., Gómez-García, S., & San José-De la Rosa, C. (2020). Coronavirus in the mobile device ecosystem: developers, discourses and reception. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (78), 329–358.


