Involvement of stakeholders in the creation of the Advertising Degree in Universidad Europea. Intertwining the professional sector into the academic context




Degree in advertising, stakeholders, study program, Universidad Europea


The main goal is to establish the grounds for creating a new degree in advertising that best meets the sector’s needs. Methodology. We performed a qualitative research using different techniques such as documentary research, expert panel and questionnaires to the most representative stakeholders. Results and conclusions: the initial hypothesis is validated, therefore we set the grounds for a new degree in advertising, considering the following stages: we consolidate the structure of a degree with two itineraries: strategy and creativity; there is a review of subjects and contents to adjust them to the new needs; internationalization is extended; dual education is reinforced, as well as the faculty staff by including more teaching professionals.


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Author Biographies

María Mercedes Agüero Pérez, European University

Mercedes Agüero Pérez is Vice-Dean of Communication in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication and professor of subjects related to corporate communication, public relations and advertising strategy. She obtained her PhD in Communication by Universidad Europea de Madrid. Her main research lines are focused on corporate reputation, brand identity and image and social networks..

Esmeralda López Alonso, European University

Esmeralda López Alonso is professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of Universidad Europea de Madrid, of subjects related to corporate communications and public relations. She obtained her PhD in Communication by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Her main research lines are focused on corporate identity, corporate communication and social networks.

Luis Antonio López Fraile, European University

Luis López is assistant professor in the Department of Marketing and Advertising of Universidad Europea de Madrid, where he also obtained his PhD in Communication. Luis has a wide experience in all areas of advertising communication and occupied different managerial positions in relevant advertising agencies in Spain. Likewise, he performed several managerial tasks in Universidad Europea de Madrid, especially the management of internships and employment office of the university, and the management of the communication area in the Faculty of Communication in that same institution. His main areas of interest and research are focused on the advertising strategy as well as on the aspects related to employability and development of a study plan for university students through the integration of new technologies in management processes, with emphasis on web and wireless platforms in general.

Begoña Moreno López, European University

Begoña Moreno is professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication in Universidad Europea de Madrid, teaching subjects associated to creativity, creative thinking and arts management. She obtained her PhD in Advertising by Universidad de Valladolid. Her areas of knowledge are focused on creativity, guerrilla communication, municipal communication and migrations.


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How to Cite

Agüero Pérez, M. M., López Alonso, E., López Fraile, L. A., & Moreno López, B. (2019). Involvement of stakeholders in the creation of the Advertising Degree in Universidad Europea. Intertwining the professional sector into the academic context. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 50–72.


