Gamers, writers and social media influencers: professionalisation processes among teenagers




Transmedia literacy, eSports, influencers, teenagers, collaborative writing


Introduction. The evolution of the media industry has prompted profound changes in the way teenagers develop their skills and access transmedia products. To be precise, the article focuses on the emergence of a grey area where media hobbies become professionalisation opportunities for young people, and profit opportunities for the industries. Methods. The study has been carried out from a mixed qualitative and quantitative methods approach. Ethnographic, statistical and textual data collection and analysis techniques have been implemented. Results. Three areas of professionalisation are detected: video games, creative writing and social networks, each with its own dynamics with respect to teenagers’ gender and the resources and platforms used. Discussion and conclusions. Teenagers who undertake professionalisation processes constitute a minority and, within this group, it is essential to strengthen the skills that allow them to understand to what extent media companies profit from their work.


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Author Biographies

María-José Establés, University Pompeu Fabra

María-José Establés holds a bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication (UCM), a master’s degrees in Journalism (UCM) and in Communication and Learning in the Digital Society (UAH). She is currently writing her doctoral thesis at the Pompeu Fabra University, where she is analysing the different processes and strategies involved in the professionalisation of fans. This work is being financed by the programme “Aids for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors” (BES-2015-071455) of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain. Her works on transmedia literacy, journalism and fandom have been published by prestigious publishers such as Routledge, McGraw-Hill and UOC, as well as indexed journals such as Palabra Clave, AnàlisiOpción and Prisma Social. Visiting researcher at the Universities of Bournemouth (United Kingdom) and Jyvaskyla (Finland).

Mar Guerrero-Pico, University Pompeu Fabra

Mar Guerrero-Pico holds a PhD degree in Social Communication and works as a journalist. Research assistant at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). Her doctoral thesis, titled “Stories beyond film: fan fiction and transmedia narrative in television series”, explores the textual productions of fans in the field of transmedia narrative originated in television. Her works have been published in indexed journals such as International Journal of Communication, Comunication & Society, Anàlisi, Palabra Clave and Her main lines of research are fan culture, transmedia narratology and user-generated content, transmedia literacy and television fiction.

Ruth S Contreras-Espinosa, University Central de Cataluña

Ruth-S. Contreras-Espinosa holds a PhD degree in Multimedia Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Professor and researcher at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia (Spain) in the areas of Communication and Multimedia. Coordinator of the Observatory of Communication, Videogames and Entertainment (OCVE) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Member of scientific committees in international conferences and journals. Director of Obra Digital, a communication journal co-edited by the University of Vic (Spain) and the University of Azuay (Ecuador). Co-editor of “Gamification in university classrooms” (Incom-UAB Press, 2016).


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How to Cite

Establés, M.-J., Guerrero-Pico, M., & Contreras-Espinosa, R. S. (2019). Gamers, writers and social media influencers: professionalisation processes among teenagers. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 214–236.


