Impact of political discourse on the dissemination of hoaxes about Covid-19. Influence of misinformation in public and media




Covid-19, Political speech, Fake News, Hoax, Desinformation, Fact checking, Twitter, Journalists


Introduction: The information disorder generated by Covid-19 paints a strategic scenario for the dissemination of the fallacy and political propaganda. Social networks, in eco-chamber mode, reproduce the government’s discourse of confusion and lie and favor a climate of destabilizing disinformation in democracies. In parallel, digital audiences are installed as prosumers of the political hoax on Twitter and a tendency of the media to combat fake news is seen. Methodology: The main objective is to know which disinformation brands identify the leader's message, what role audiences play in the production and dissemination of the false and what verification processes are carried out by fact-checking agencies (Pagella Politica, Maldito Bulo, Full Fact and PolitiFact) and the media (La Repubblica, El País, The Guardian and The New York Times) in favor of the reliability of the public in a situation of maximum risk. On a sample composed of tweets published by the presidents of government (n = 272), news related to Covid-19 (n1 = 4,543) and hoaxes detected on Twitter (n1 = 200), we designed a methodology for quantitative-qualitative content analysis and critical analysis of political discourse. SPSS applied statistics software is used. Results, discussion and conclusions: The results reveal the prominence of a fallacious political language, which favors the production of hoaxes on the Internet and requires the effectiveness of the fact-checking system of international agencies and the media, to combat the false, always, and more if possible in moments of an unprecedented health pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Concha Pérez-Curiel, The University of Seville

Doctor in Journalism from the University of Seville. She teaches Political Journalism in Undergraduate studies and the Master's degrees in Institutional and Political Communication and European Studies (US). She belongs to the Communication & Social Sciences research group (SEJ-619) and is a member of the projects Influencers in political communication in Spain, Analysis of the relationships between opinion leaders 2.0, the media, parties, institutions, and audiences in the digital environment (CSO2017-88620-P), and DEBATv, Televised Electoral Debates in Spain: Models, Process, Diagnosis, and Proposal” (CSO2017-83159-R), funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of Spain. She investigates political communication, influence and transfer of agendas, new digital narratives, and effects on the media and users. Her publications include works in El Profesional de la Información, Latina. Revista de Comunicación Social, Communication and Society, or Kome, and in reference publishers such as Routledge.

Ana María Velasco Molpeceres, The University of Valladolid

Ana María Velasco Molpeceres has a doctorate in communication from the University of Valladolid, where she is a professor. Degree in Journalism, Master in Communication, Graduated in Art History and Geography and History, and Postgraduate in Audiovisual Communication. She has been an FPU predoctoral researcher and is a member of the project “Europeism and transatlantic networks in the 20th and 21st centuries” (PGC2018-095884-B-C22), financed by FEDER funds. She works on identities in the media, political communication, influence, fashion, and new digital narratives, and effects on the media and users, as well as the history of communication and gender studies. Her publications include works in scientific journals such as Historia y Comunicación Social, Prisma social, Observatorio, or Revista de Occidente, as well as several books.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Curiel, C., & Velasco Molpeceres, A. M. (2020). Impact of political discourse on the dissemination of hoaxes about Covid-19. Influence of misinformation in public and media. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (78), 86–119.


