Digital skills as a vehicle for university organizational culture.




Organizational culture; digital skills; identity; University; Mexico; Spain.


The constant digitalization of society and therefore of organizations has meant a redefinition of communication processes. These changes have eagerly penetrated the management of internal communication, causing the redefinition of the vehiculization of organizational culture. In a changing environment, the management of organizations means implementing new communication strategies that combine globalization and new technologies (Wichels, 2014). In this line, we have analyzed the value of the use of digital competencies as an element of translation of the organizational culture in the university environment. The study was carried out based on the case study method taking four public and private universities belonging to Spain and Mexico under the premise of convenience. They have been analyzed in the case of Spain: the University of Malaga and ESERP Business & Law School; and in Mexico the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas and the University of the Valley of Mexico. In order to contrast the penetration of organizational culture symmetrically in the public and private university model in the Latin American landscape. The study techniques used have been based on direct non-participant observation, application of internal public surveys (employees), conducting in-depth interviews with those responsible for communicative management and analysis of digital resources used in internal communication. As an advance of results you can see the application of two different models with clear continental influences. The instrumentalization of the organizational culture in the universities studied is focused differently depending on their public or private origin, being more effective in their penetration and therefore, in their identification in the case of private entities. The challenge of organizational culture in the university field lies in the need to increase identity value through a real and collective ideology that is lived and embodied in everyday management.


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Author Biographies

José Daniel Barquero, ESERP Business & Law School

ESERP Business & Law School- ESERP-Abertis Observatory

The Associate Professor and Full Professor José Daniel Barquero Cabrero is a doctor in the area of Economic and Social Sciences from: International University of Catalonia (Barcelona); Camilo José Cela University (Madrid), Autonomous University of Coahuila (Mexico), and interuniversity by the Universities of Malaga, Huelva, Cádiz, and Seville. He is also a Chartered Economist no. 13,049.

He has been awarded for his contributions to the academic world the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by universities in America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, and by the Government of Spain, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, with the Commendation of the Order of Civil Merit, awarded by His Majesty the King, as well as by the European Development Foundation with the European Golden Cross. He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of ESERP Business & Law School and a Professor in Economics and Business at La UOLS-Open University La Salle. He advises Spanish companies and financial and banking institutions. Honorary President of the Higher European Council of Doctors, academic of the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences of Spain; academic of the Royal Academy of Doctors, academic of the Ibero-American Academy of Doctors, all institutions of which numerous Nobel laureates are part, with whom he has shared his research. He has worked in the US with the world pioneer of Public Relations, Professor Dr. Edward L. Bernays Freud, advisor to the presidents of the United States and the White House, and, in the United Kingdom, with Professor Dr. Sir Sam Black, advisor to Your Majesty the Queen of England and leading companies. His books have been published in seven different countries: Spain (McGraw-Hill, Deusto, Planeta, University of Barcelona); United Kingdom (Staffordshire University); Russian Federation (Dielo Editions); Mexico (Editorial Trillo); Azerbaijan and the United States (Editorial McGrawHill), Portugal (Porto Editora).

Mercedes Cancelo Sanmartín, Universidad de Málaga

University of Malaga, Spain. She has a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the University of Malaga, a Postgraduate Degree in Public Policy Management from the National University of La Plata (Argentina), and a Ph.D. in Criminology oriented to victimology, new technologies, and institutional risk, from the University of Granada. She is a pioneer in the study of communication in State Security Forces and Bodies. Her lines of research are organizational communication with special attention to institutional communication, public opinion, the incidence of new technologies in the public sphere, and the role of vulnerable groups in social networks. She is a Visiting Researcher at the University of the Valley of Mexico, an integrated researcher at the ESERP-Abertis Observatory, and a Research Fellow at the European Center for Social Science Research (ECSSR).

Leticia Rodríguez Segura, Universidad del Valle de México

University of the Valley of Mexico.

National Director of Innovation and Educational Research at the University of the Valley of Mexico. She has a degree in Psychology from UNAM, a Master in Educational Psychology from UNAM, and a Master in Educational Sciences from the University of the Valley of Mexico. She is a member of the Mexican System of Research in Psychology (SMIP), and of the National Academic Group for the Comprehensive Reform of Elementary Education in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Barquero, José Daniel, Mercedes Cancelo Sanmartín, and Leticia Rodríguez Segura. 2021. “Digital skills as a vehicle for university organizational culture”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 79 (March):17-33.



Media competence and multiple literacies in today's ecosystem.