Transmedia storytelling in the social appropriation of knowledge


  • Ariadna Jauregui Caballero Autonomous Mexico State University
  • Claudia Ortega Ponce Autonomous Mexico State University



digital communication, transmedia narratives, social appropriation of knowledge, ICTs


The implementation the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have diversified the media, according to the evolution and adaptation of the use of technological devices in human life. With the hybridization of the media, the media ecology arises in which new ways of carrying out the communicative act emerge, with this the media adapts to communicative practices and are condensed in this new ways of communicating. Studying the scope and significant levels of convergent models in digital communication processes not only bring us closer to the media landscape, also glimpse the capabilities of platforms and devices in the social context. In the following document we will discuss how the implementation of digital tools and transmedia narratives can generate a significant contribution to the appropriation of knowledge by users. Recognize the levels of significance of all the actors involved in the community, allows us to understand how participatory and collaborative dynamics bring us closer to the democratization of knowledge. To understand both the process of appropriation of knowledge and the relationship that exists between society and technology, it is necessary to define the process of appropriation in a conceptual way, the media ecosystem in which the media narratives are linked and the relationship that exists between digital technology, transmedia narratives and the processes of appropriation of knowledge in users.


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Author Biographies

Ariadna Jauregui Caballero, Autonomous Mexico State University

She is a professor and researcher with interests in these research lines: Media ecology, transmedia and cross-media storytelling, digital communication, ICTs and scientific communication. She studied her PhD in Social Sciences and Master’s Degree in Design at the Autonomous University of Mexico State.

Claudia Ortega Ponce, Autonomous Mexico State University

She has a PhD in Social Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Mexico State in the field of Sociology of Science and Technology. She is currently a Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of the Mexico State. As a researcher, she is part of the academic group “Socio-technology, Governance and Communication”, comprising two lines of knowledge generation and implementation: Line 1: Governance, knowledge and socio-technology; Line 2, Communicative Processes and Social Representations. As for teaching, she lectures Epistemology of social research, Philosophy of Science, Methodology of social sciences, Social Theory and Sociology of technoscience for the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.  


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How to Cite

Jauregui Caballero, A. ., & Ortega Ponce, C. . (2020). Transmedia storytelling in the social appropriation of knowledge. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (77), 357–372.


