Humour in the post-war press: Short stories of Gloria Fuertes in the falangist magazine Maravillas




Gloria Fuertes, Maravillas, press, Falange, children’s literature, Coleta, Pelines


The Spanish civil war entailed an impasse in the development of press as a communication platform. In fact, its instrumentalization for propaganda purposes explains its role in the consolidation of the new State. So, in the newspaper network created around the Movimiento Nacional (National Movement), the children’s press occupied a predominant place due to its contribution to the education of future generations. So much so, that the strategical-ideological aims imposed by the regime coexisted in these platforms together with the collaboration of artists of prominent aesthetical level. Such is the case of Gloria Fuertes (1917-1998), who gave life in the magazine Maravillas, to very popular characters such as Coleta and Pelines to disseminate their short stories once more, back in the eighties, in three monographic books: Coleta, la poeta (1982), Coleta, payasa ¿qué pasa? (1983) and Pelines (1986). However, such protagonists, beyond constituting aesthetical projections of the writer as heteronyms, would end up becoming authentic icons of children’s imagery.


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Author Biographies

Lucia Ballesteros-Aguayo, University of Sevilla

Lucía Ballesteros Aguayo is PhD in Journalism with a doctoral dissertation about Francoist press that obtained the maximum score, Outstanding Cum Laude. She is currently professor of Universidad de Sevilla and collaborates in research tasks with different international entities such as the National Documentation Institute, Innovation and Research on Education of Florence or the Institute for the history of Catholic Action of Rome. She has performed several research stays abroad and has a wide scientific production about press in totalitarian governments and their social impart, with special interest on fascisms between wars, where we can highlight “La guerra civil española contada por el fascismo italiano: el caso del periódico infantil de Mussolini, Il Balilla” in Ámbitos and “Los periódicos falangistas para la juventud de la posguerra” in Spagna Contemporanea.

Francisco-Javier Escobar Borrego, University of Sevilla

Francisco J. Escobar is PhD of Hispanic American Philology and develops his professional role as Full Professor of Spanish Literature in the Faculty of Philology of the Universidad de Sevilla. He has dedicated research studies to the aesthetic thinking and the work of golden authors such as Torres Naharro, Cetina, Garcilaso, Sá de Miranda, Herrera, Arguijo, Santa Teresa de Jesús, San Juan de la Cruz, Cervantes, Lope, Góngora or Quevedo, emphasizing especially on Humanism, either vernacular or Romance, as well as the endurance of the classical tradition in the Spanish Golden Age. From the interdisciplinary comparatism, his monographs are noteworthy in this pathway, El mito de Psique y Cupido en la poesía española del siglo XVI, Córdoba en el mundo clásicoVidas de arte en el Humanismo hispalense: de Nebrija a Góngora, as well as  Humanismo y tradición clásica en la obra poética de Juan de Mal Lara, a study that completes his edition of the mythographic poems of this humanist, el Hércules animoso y La Psyche, besides his dispersed poetry, both Latin and vernacular. In brief, his participation outstands, together with J. Montero and F. Gherardi, in the edition of La Galatea de Cervantes for the Real Academia EspañolaGalaxia Gutenberg and Círculo de Lectores, as well as his edition of the monographic volume, together with L. Rivero and S. Díez, La «metamorfosis» de un inquisidor: el humanista Diego López de Cortegana (1455-1524). Regarding his research in Spanish contemporary literature, from the comparatism and history of mentalities, ideas or representations, he has focused on Modernism, with studies dedicated to the conceptual thinking of A. Machado, Unamuno, Valle-Inclán or T. Morales. In addition, he has dealt with the literature of the second half of the 20th century; and so on since J. M.ª Pemán, F. Umbral, F. Grande, J. Á. Valente, J. L. Tejada or A. García Calvo to C. Lagos, A. Luque, L. A. from Cuenca or L. García Montero. Among some awards and recognitions granted to him, there outstands the International Award José de Vasconcelos, The Award José Vallejo legacy and Extraordinary Doctorate Award. 


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How to Cite

Ballesteros-Aguayo, Lucia, and Francisco-Javier Escobar Borrego. 2019. “Humour in the post-war press: Short stories of Gloria Fuertes in the falangist magazine Maravillas”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (February):521-36.


