The digital maturity of the Spanish press. A case study




convergence, digital maturity, crossmedia, transmedia, multi platform, Abc


Introduction: This research aims to set a reliable methodology to measure the digital maturity index (IMD) of the Spanish press. Methodology: For the analysis we are using the case method, with a focus on Abc newspaper. We rely on quantitative and qualitative data. In terms of techniques, we have combined interviews, participant observation and expert consultation. Results: The model has been successfully tested and is fully applicable to any other newspaper. ABC holds at July, 31st 2018 a Digital Maturity Index of 72.50 points out of a maximum of 100. It means an advanced state of digital maturity. Conclusions: The Spanish Press, represented in this research by Abc —a brand of Vocento Group— is nowadays in an advanced process of transformation and digital maturity, although there is still a room for improvement for the website to become the backbone for the most important routines of journalism.


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Author Biographies

José Álvarez Marcos, University of Sevilla

José Álvarez Marcos is Full Professor of Journalism at the School of Communication of the University of Seville, where he teaches information technology, digital journalism and institutional communication. He leads the Communication Strategies research group.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences from the University of Navarra and a PhD degree in Journalism from the University of Seville. Winner of the National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance in undergraduate and postgraduate studies. 

Former Communications Director of the University of Seville (2008-2016), advisor for strategic projects of the Rector of the University of Seville (2016-2017) and President of the Spanish Universities’ Communication Cabinets Network (2012-2015). Former editor in chief of El Correo de Andalucía and editor of Abc Expo 92, a pioneering experience in multimedia journalism.

For the organiser of the Expo’92, he worked for seven years as deputy communications director and head of the Expo-Info programme. Former Vice President and Acting President of the Seville Press Association (2005-2006).

Manuel Capelo Hernández, University of Sevilla

Manuel Capelo Hernández holds a PhD degree in Journalism from the University of Seville, a bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences from the University of Navarra, and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the San Telmo International Institute. Member of the Communication Strategies Research Group of the University of Seville.

Expert in digital journalism and communication consultant. Former deputy director of ABC de Sevilla, editor of Huelva Información and professor at the CEADE University Center. Former consultant at RTVA, section editor of El Correo de Andalucía and editor of the EFE agency.

José Ignacio Álvarez Ortiz, University of Cádiz

José Ignacio Álvarez Ortiz holds a bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations, a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Cádiz; a master’s degree in Business Administration, Service Management and Marketing from the University of Karlstad (Sweden), and a master’s degree in Business Consulting from the Carlos III University.

He is Oracle’s Industry Strategy and Innovation Director for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He has developed leadership work in the area of digital transformation at Mapfre, Deloitte and Daemon Quest Deloitte. Former professor of Marketing at the School of Social and Communication Sciences of the University of Cádiz.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Marcos, J., Capelo Hernández, M. ., & Álvarez Ortiz, J. I. (2019). The digital maturity of the Spanish press. A case study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 499–520.


