The academic community and gender equality: a quantitative study




University, education, equality, gender violence, media literacy


Introduction. Education is one of the main pillars in people’s socialization, which is why this research focuses on studying experiences, opinions and distortions of the academic community in terms of equality and gender violence, with one objective: elaborating a diagnostic analysis to be used for the development of effective equality policies that improve or transform the education and training of students and staff within the Institution. Methodology. To put this innovative research —the first one to include the academic community as a whole: students, teachers and researchers, administration and service staff— into practice, a questionnaire was designed, divided into five areas covering subjects such as equality, consumption and media content, gender violence and perception of equality policies. The data obtained were statistically analyzed with Excel and SPSS. Results. The study comprises a participation total of 3,542 members of the academic community at the University of Valladolid (Spain). The women are more aware and committed. Besides, 50% of participants defined gender violence erroneously and were unaware of the current equality policies of the University. The majority supported a commitment from the Institution in educating, training and raising awareness on equality-related matters among the academic community. Conclusions. A greater male involvement in the struggle for gender equality is necessary. The communication of the Institution on its equality policies must be improved so that they are effective among the university community.


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Author Biographies

Dunia Etura Hernández, University of Valladolid

Dunia Etura, Doctor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid, holds a Degree in Journalism, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, and a Master’s Degree on the Research of Communication as a Sociohistorical Agent from the University of Valladolid. 

She is professor in the area of ​​Journalism of the Master’s Degree on the Research of Communication as a Sociohistorical Agent and in the Degree of Specialist in Gender Studies and Equality Policy Management at the University of Valladolid and the Universidad Permanente Millán Santos, dependent on the same University, where she teaches the course "Critical Look. Analysis and tools to acquire critical sense in the consumption of Media."

She coordinates the Teaching Innovation Project “Education on Gender Equality and Inclusion” and is full member of the Chair of Gender Studies at the UVa. She is also member of the projects "Cultural Produsage in social media: industry, popular consumption and audiovisual literacy of the Spanish youth with a gender perspective" and "Profiles of the political center (1976-1986): projects and achievements" and collaborating member of the Recognized Research Group "New trends in Research (GIR Nuteco).”

She has done research on gender equality and violence, the inclusion of feminism in television in Spain, narrative in television TV shows, and has coordinated the publication La Comunicación en Clave de Igualdad de Género with Virginia Martín Jiménez (2016). She has directed the IgualesUVa campaign of the University of Valladolid and is the author of the installation "Gender violence is not a story.”

Virginia Martín Jiménez, University of Valladolid

Virginia Martín Jiménez Doctor from the University of Valladolid with a European Doctorate and Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

She also has a degree in History and a degree in Journalism from the UVa, and a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the National Distance Education University (UNED). She is professor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid, where she currently serves as a member of the faculty of a Master’s program devoted to the study of media as an agent of social change in historical contexts (Research on Communication as a Sociohistorical Agent) and is a founding member of the Recognized Research Group (GIR) on New Trends of Communication. She coordinates the Teacher Innovation Project "Teaching in Gender Equality and Inclusion" (PID-ENIG) and is a full member of the Chair of Gender Studies (CEG) at the University of Valladolid.

Her research focuses on the following fields of study: Public Opinion and Political Communication, Gender and creation of media identities, and History and media. Her work has appeared in a wide range of indexed professional journals, books and book chapters.

Carlos A. Ballesteros Herencia, University of Valladolid

Carlos A. Ballesteros Herencia, Doctor in Journalism (2012) from the Complutense University of Madrid (2012). He holds a degree in Journalism (1995), and a degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science (2011). He is professor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid. He is member of the I+D+I Project “Politainment in the post-truth environment: New narratives, clickbait y gamification”, as well as the Teaching Innovation Projects "Education on Gender Equality and Inclusion" and "Evaluation and development of teaching methodologies in communication and media competence.” His main lines of research are engagement in social media and the representation of news frames in media. He’s been editor in chief of La Voz de Albacete and El Espectador Crítico, and responsible for Communications at UPA-Castilla-La Mancha, as well as Physical Education teacher.


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How to Cite

Etura Hernández D., Martín Jiménez V., & Ballesteros Herencia, C. A. . (2019). The academic community and gender equality: a quantitative study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1781–1800.




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