Strategy and Public Relations: a Bibliometric Comparative Study
Bibliometrics, Public Relations (PR), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Strategy, Web of Science (WoS)Abstract
This article presents a bibliometric study of journals specialized in public relations (PR) that were listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index-Communication-Journal List database and journals specialized in strategy management that were listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index-Management-Journal List. Both lists owned by Thomson Reuters until October 2016. Articles referring to the concept of “strategy” in PR journals were identified through content analysis, as well as those articles that included the concept “public relations” in journals specialized in strategy management. Variables of analysis were: periods of time for publishing; gender of authors; prevalent number of authors per article; and titles of the articles. Results showed that strategy appeared widely treated in the journals specialized in PR, while PR had almost no presence in magazines specialized in strategy management.
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