Media startups as examples of innovation in Spanish media market. A study of cases




Media innovation, startup, Politibot, Cuonda, Datadista, Newskid


Media industry is undergoing a process of constant change. Information organizations must adapt to the new paradigm in terms of technology and consumption patterns. However, the large infrastructures and the rigidity of processes and mentalities in most media make this adaptation difficult and leave room for new innovative and flexible actors: startups. Method: This paper employs study of cases method to analyze four entrepreneurial initiatives in Spain, Politibot, Cuonda, Datadista and Newskid. The founders of these projects have been interviewed using a questionnaire, and the initiatives have been analyzed by studying further documentation. Results and discussion: In this investigation, it is stated that these companies are committed to exploring new formats, channels of distribution and revenue streams using technology and directing their efforts to specific niches. The importance of flexibility, open mindedness and multidisciplinary work teams in the new media market is also a result of this research.


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Author Biographies

José María Valero-Pastor, Miguel Hernández University, Elche

José María Valero Pastor holds a BA degree in Journalism and an MA degree in Innovation in Journalism, both from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH).

PhD student in Social and Legal Sciences, also in the UMH. His doctoral thesis examines the effective organisation of journalistic companies in the current media ecosystem. His line of research is innovation in journalism and, more specifically, the transformations in the organisation of companies.

In the 2016/2017 academic year he received a research staff training scholarship from the UMH. Part of the Department of Social and Human Sciences of the UMH, thanks to a faculty training grant awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in the 2016 call.

Professor of Journalistic writing and Language and techniques in print journalism in the BA degree programme in journalism of the UMH. Former coordinator of the contents module and thesis supervisor in the MA programme in Innovation in journalism of the UMH

José Antonio González-Alba, University of Cadiz

José Antonio González Alba holds a BA degree in Journalism and a postgraduate degree in Business and institutional communication, both from the University of Seville, a MA degree in Management and innovation and communication from the University of Cádiz, and a MA degree in Journalism innovation from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

He has work experience of more than ten years in the institutional communication departments of public administrations. PhD student of the Interuniversity Communication Programme of the universities of Cádiz, Sevilla, Huelva and Málaga. His doctoral thesis examines innovation and digital transformation of the journalistic industry and, particularly, the journalism labs in the Spanish media panorama.


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How to Cite

Valero-Pastor, J. M., & González-Alba, J. A. . (2018). Media startups as examples of innovation in Spanish media market. A study of cases. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 556–582.


