Creativity and effectiveness in the Valencian Community: the figure of the planner in the creative process




account planner, professional profiles, creative process, effectiveness, creativity


This article analyses the strategic planner’s situation in the Valencian Community. The planner was born as an essential figure to apply audience’s research on advertising campaigns, to improve communication. Focusing on the relationship between the account planning and the creativity department, it is our intention to study what the planner’s contribution and role in the creative campaigns should be in order achieve more creative an effective campaigns. Methodology: Following a bibliographic review we will analyse the basic functions of the planner in relation to the creative process. Secondly, we will present the analysis of the answers to a questionnaire addressed to publicity professionals in the Valencia Autonomous Community, and the interviews made to leading strategic planners in order to discover the role of the planner in the Community and how it could be developed. Results and conclusions: the research shows that the role of a planner is at a very stage, and that time is needed to make of planning a real discipline. We have also concluded that there is a need to introduce the planner in the creative process, and that account planners and creative professionals are interested in this cooperation. To sum up, we propose a description of the planner’s main functions in the creative process.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Fanjul Peyró, Jaime I University

Carlos Fanjul Peyró holds a PhD in Communication (Publicity and Public Relations) from Jaume I University in Castellón. His research focuses mainly on the social influence of the nonverbal codes of reality in the advertising message, publishing about it several articles in various scientific journals (Latina, Comunicar, Zer, Doxa, Icono 14...) and a book entitled "Vigorexia: a look from advertising". He belongs to the research group ENCOM: Neuroengagement and Communication and participates in the research project "The advertising business in the digital society: agency structure, professional profiles and new creative trends" (Reference P1-1B2015-27) led by Dr. Cristina González Oñate and funded by the research promotion plan of Jaume I University. As a teacher, he teaches the subject "Theory of Advertising and Public Relations" in both the degree of Advertising and the degree of Journalism of the UJI. He is first-grade coordinator in Advertising and Public Relations and responsible for the Degree Final Works of the same degree. In graduate school, he is a professor in the Master's Degree in New Trends and Processes of Innovation in Communication and in the Master's Degree in Professional Management of Human Resources at Jaume I University.


Cristina González Oñate, Jaime I University

Cristina González Oñate holds a PhD in Business and Institutional Communication from the University Jaume I of Castellón. She has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and another one in Audiovisual Communication from the UJI. She is currently a Doctorate Professor under contract in the Department of Communication Sciences and holds the position of Coordinator of National External Practices of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations and is also Coordinator of International Practices of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the same university. Her main lines of research are linked to advertising communication, branding, strategy and planning. She is currently a professor on the subject of Communication Strategies in the degrees of Advertising and Public Relations, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication, as well as a professor for the Master's Degree in New Trends and Processes of Innovation in Communication and the Master in Professional Management of Human Resources at the Jaume I University.

She is currently the director of the research project called "The advertising business in the digital society: agency structure, professional profiles and new creative trends" (Reference P1-1B2015-27) funded by the Research Promotion Plan of the Universitat Jaume I.

Marta Arranz Peña, Jaime I University

Marta Arranz Peña holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Jaume I.  Holder of the Academic Excellence Award in the academic year 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Winner of competitions related to advertising such as the Versus of the Club of Creatives in 2016 and the 16th edition of the Outdoor Advertising contest in collaboration with FEDE in 2017. Her interests focus on strategic planning and the impact of research on creativity. Scholarship for the research project "The advertising business in the digital society: agency structure, professional profiles and new creative trends" (Reference P1-1B2015-27) directed by PhD Cristina González Oñate and funded by the Research Promotion Plan of the Universitat Jaume I.


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How to Cite

Fanjul Peyró, C., González Oñate, C., & Arranz Peña, M. (2018). Creativity and effectiveness in the Valencian Community: the figure of the planner in the creative process. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 401–424.


