Mexican students’ perspectives on ICT competencies. A gender-based analysis




Education, ICT, competencies, perspective


Today, human beings live in ever-changing environments that demand Higher Education Institutions (HEI), in México and the world, to innovate and respond to the demands of the labour market. HEI need to update their curricula to include the effective management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which require students to possess certain competencies to achieve meaningful learning. Methods: This research study is based on information collected from students participating in the XI National Marathon of Knowledge organised by Mexico’s National Association of Faculties and Schools of Accounting and Administration (ANFECA). Results and discussion: The data show that female students’ perceived level of competence in ICT is higher than that of their male counterpart. The most representative differences were detected in the comparison between the geographical zones in which the ANFECA is divided.  


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Author Biographies

José-Luis Bordas-Beltrán , Autonomous University of Chihuahua

José Luis Bordas Beltrán holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the School of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua; four Master’s degrees in Management, Finance, Marketing and Human Resources; a PhD degree in Management from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua; and a Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International from Trinity College London.

Research Professor at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua since 2005. Head of Research and Postgraduate Studies at the School of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (2015 to 2017). Former Internal Audit Coordinator at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (2010 to 2015).

Areas of research: communication, culture and technology management. Author of numerous articles, including: Escenarios de aprendizaje y satisfacción estudiantil en posgrado virtual 2010, 2014 y 2015 (“Learning environments and student satisfaction in virtual postgraduate programmes 2010, 2014 and 2015”) and Barriers to the Use of Electronic Government as Perceived by Citizens at the Municipal Level in Mexico.

Ana-María de Guadalupe Arras-Vota, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

Ana María de Guadalupe Arras Vota holds a BA degree in Communication Sciences, from the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education; a master’s degree in Administration, from the School of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua; and a PhD degree in Management from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Postdoctoral fellow in human sciences at the University of Zulia. Advanced Certificate in English Language Teaching, from the University of Edinburgh.

Professor at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Member of Mexico’s National Researcher System (Level 1), since 2007, in the area’s economy. Holder of the 2014 Regional Award for Science, Technology and Innovation, in the area of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences. Winner of the 2016 Drago-Latina Award to the year’s most-cited articles, for the article “ICT competencies among university students”, published in the Latina Journal of Social Communication in 2011.

Areas of research: communication, culture and technology management. Author of several articles, including Competencias en TIC y rendimiento académico en la universidad: Diferencias por género (“Competencies in ICT and academic performance at university: differences by gender”); Competencias en Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) de los estudiantes universitarios (“Competence in ICT and university students”); Escenarios de aprendizaje y satisfacción estudiantil en posgrado virtual 2010, 2014 y 2015 (“Learning environments and student satisfaction in virtual postgraduate programmes 2010, 2014 and 2015”)


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How to Cite

Bordas-Beltrán , J.-L. ., & Arras-Vota, A.-M. de G. . (2018). Mexican students’ perspectives on ICT competencies. A gender-based analysis. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 462–477.




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