Implementation of innovation in Spanish digital media: analysis of journalists’ perceptions




Media innovation, journalism practice, digital journalism, media organisation, business models, journalism


The media industry is facing the emergence of technologies and disruptive platforms that challenge its survival in an environment where audiences, production and business models constantly change. There is a consensus that innovation is a key resource to overcome this uncertainty. This article analyses the origin, development and implementation of innovation in digital news media from the journalists point of view. Methods. Our research builds upon the groundwork of 26 semi-structured interviews carried out in 2016 with professional journalists from a sample of innovative media organisations. Results. The results reveal journalists perceptions on the concept of innovation, its implementation, typology of innovations and professional profiles. Journalists believe that innovation must be “new” and “successful”, that it responds to the desire to “experiment”, that it must provide “something different” to the organisation, and that it comes from the capacity to “anticipate challenges”. Technology plays a relevant and transversal role. Journalists also value procedural, cognitive and attitudinal competencies in the innovative practice. Conclusions. Professionals are a key source to identify the changes that have taken place in journalism, because their insights help us understand and delve into the areas of innovation that are usually left out from the academic perspective.


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Author Biographies

José Alberto García-Avilés, Miguel Hernández University

Jose Alberto García-Avilés holds a BA degree in Journalism, a BA in Liberal Arts from the University of Ireland, and a PhD degree in Communication from the University of Navarra (2006). Leader of the GICOV Communication Research Group of the Miguel Hernández University, which is part of a national research network of excellence recognised by the Ministry of Innovation for research in digital journalism. Guest scholar at the School of Journalism of Columbia University.

His research work focuses on journalistic innovation and quality. Author of more than forty articles on journalism published in journals such asConvergence, Journalism Studies, Journalism, Digital Journalism, Comunicación y Sociedad, Journalism Practice, El Profesional de la Información, ZER and Palabra Clave, among others. Author and co-author of Comunicar en la Sociedad Red. Teorías, modelos y prácticas (“Communicate in the network society. Theories, models, and practices”) (UOC, 2015); Innovación y desarrollo de los cibermedios en España (“Innovation and development of digital media in Spain”) (Eunsa, 2016): andCómo innovar en periodismo(“How to innovate in journalism”) (Diego Marín2016). His H-index is 21.

Participant in several national and international research projects (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, EU Integrated Actions, STOA-European Parliament). Member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Journalism and the Spanish Association of communication research (AE-IC). Currently teaches in the MA programme in Innovation in Journalism.

Miguel Carvajal Prieto, Miguel Hernández University

Miguel Carvajal Prieto holds a BA degree in Journalism (2000) and a PhD degree in News Media from the University of Navarra (2006). Member of the GICOV Communication Research Group of the Miguel Hernández University, which is part of a national research network of excellence recognised by the Ministry of Innovation for research in digital journalism.

His area of research are innovation and transformation of the media industry. Author of articles published in high-impact journals such as Comunicación y Sociedad, El Profesional de la Información, Convergence, Journalism Studies and Journalism Practice. Director of more than 20 undergraduate and postgraduate theses. Currently coordinates a doctoral thesis on this subject.

Participant in four national research projects (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and two European research projects (EU Integrated Actions, STOA-European Parliament). Member of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC). Recognised as Associate Professor by the Valencian Agency of Assessment and Foresight (AVAP) since 2008.

Beneficiary of the National Faculty Training Scholarship Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Culture (2001-2005) and the José Castillejo Postgraduate Research Programme for 2010 in Fordham University (New York). Six-year experience as research and co-founder of an innovation spin-off in journalism, Cuatro Galgos SL. Currently directs the master’s degree in Innovation in Journalism. Teaching in the BA programme in Journalism and Vice-Dean of Journalism at the School of Social and Legal Sciences of the Miguel Hernández University.

Félix Arias Robles, Miguel Hernández University

Félix Arias Robles holds a BA degree in Journalism and a PhD degree in Journalism from the Miguel Hernández Universidad of Elche (2016) as well as a master’s degree in Research in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Member of GICOV Communication Research Group of the Miguel Hernández University, which is part of a national research network of excellence recognised by the Ministry of Innovation for research in digital journalism. Visiting professor at the School of Journalism of the University of Sheffield (UK), where he completed his thesis on the writing and reception of journalistic hypertext.

His main areas of research are new narratives, data journalism, digital writing, hypertextuality and innovation. Author of several articles published in prestigious journals such as Journalism & Practice, Digital Journalism, El Profesional de la Información, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico and Palabra Clave. Participant in various editions of specialised conferences such as the “Change in Journalism” Symposium held in Hanover, the Transform Television Forum of the Urban TV International Festival, the Conference of Digital Journalism of Huesca and the International Conference of the Spanish Society of Journalism.
Currently, Deputy Director of the master’s degree programme in Innovation in Journalism of the Miguel Hernández University.


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How to Cite

García-Avilés, José Alberto, Miguel Carvajal Prieto, and Félix Arias Robles. 2018. “Implementation of innovation in Spanish digital media: analysis of journalists’ perceptions”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (February):369-84.


