The professional ethics of journalists in the face of governments and politicians: Perceptions of professionals and citizens in Spain




ethics; self-regulation; journalism; Spain; politics; deontology; codes of ethics; accountability


Introduction: This paper analyses the pressures that journalism has exerted or attempted to exert from politics. Methodology: The study uses a combination of qualitative methodologies, such as focus groups discussion, and quantitative ones, such as surveys of journalists; both methodologies allows to know how politics influence journalists and how it can limit media instruments of accountability.  Results: this study presents the results of an investigation that shows that journalists and citizens share the perception that political influence is one of the main assumptions that affect the development of good journalism. Discussion/conclusion: Although journalists recognize political and government pressures, the study concludes that they do not give in or feel responsible to political parties or governments.



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Author Biographies

Marcel Mauri-Rios, Pompeu Fabra University

Marcel Mauri de los Ríos has a PhD in Journalism. He is a historian, journalist, and History of Journalism and Journalistic Ethics professor at the Communication Department of the PFU. He is also a consultant of ethics and the right of communication in the Open University of Catalonia (OUC). He did a pre-doctoral residency at the Sorbonne University of Paris in 2007 and did a post-doctoral residency at the University of Columbia (New York). He has published about ethics in the media and History of Journalism.

Amparo López-Meri, Jaume I University

Amparo López Meri is a professor in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at the Jaume I University, in Spain. Her current lines of research are about the reformulation of journalism in digital settings and the impact of social media in journalism and political communication. She is member of the research group “Journalism, Communication, Power” of the Jaume I University. Additionally, she has a long career in the media as reporter of the Europa Press TV news agency and news editor in different Spanish television channels.

Cristina Perales-García, Pompeu Fabra University

Cristina Perales-García has a PhD in Journalism and Communication Sciences form the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is a Professor of Journalism at the Communication Department of the Pompeu Fabra University and member of the “Research Group in Journalism” (GRP) of the same university. She has participated in research projects financed by the Ministry and public entities. Her main lines of research are ethics in the media, history of journalism, political communication and the study of journalistic discourses. She has done different research residencies in European universities, among which the ones at the University of Stirling (Stirling, Scotland), at the University of Applied Sciences (Tampere, Finland) and at the University of Poitiers (Poitiers, France) stand out.  


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How to Cite

Mauri-Rios, M. ., López-Meri, A., & Perales-García, C. . (2020). The professional ethics of journalists in the face of governments and politicians: Perceptions of professionals and citizens in Spain . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (77), 295–308.




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