Stress and burnout syndrome in event management into the communication agencies business


  • Irene Bermejo-Casado Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Gloria Campos García de Quevedo Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Antonio Sánchez-Bayón Rey Juan Carlos University



occupational health, labor stress, burnout syndrome, occupational hardiness, event management


This paper analyzes the professional stress and burnout in the organization of events within the framework of the communication agencies in Spain (selected among the main companies in the sector). The goal is to check if event organizers suffer more stress, given the peaks of their activity, than other communication professionals and what their tolerance is. The methodology is based on MBI-GS and CRL questionnaires to obtain a measure of stress and burnout and their tolerance respectively. The design consists of two groups: 1) professionals in the event organization sector (n=96); 2) communication professionals (control group, n=96). This allows comparing the means obtained in each group and in each questionnaire to know which group has the highest scores in work stress and in tolerance. The results will allow to determine if the peak of work, by the organization of events, is a reason or not of a greater stress and wear of the professionals of the sector


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Author Biographies

Irene Bermejo-Casado, Rey Juan Carlos University

Master’s degree in Events Management and Protocol-Univ. Camilo José Cela (UCJC), Graduate in Psychology – Univ. Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Researcher of ISEMCO-Univ. Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) and events planner.

Gloria Campos García de Quevedo , Rey Juan Carlos University

Doctor in Communication by Univ. Camilo José Cela and Graduate in Journalism by Univ. Complutense de Madrid. Associate Professor of Events Organization and General Management. ISEMCO-URJC. Thirty years as entrepeneur and events organization professional. In her scientific-academic production she includes 5 books, 5 chapters, 20 articles, 2 tutored dissertations, etc.

Antonio Sánchez-Bayón, Rey Juan Carlos University

Doctor in Law by Univ. Complutense de Madrid and in Humanities by Univ. Murcia (doctorate student in International Affairs by Univ. Valladolid). Full time professor in Legal and Social Sciences (ANECA), with six-year term productivity award (sexenio - CNEAI) and international authority (VIAF). He is currently professor in ISEMCO, EAE, UNIR and Univ. Bernardo OHiggins (Chile), teaching subjects of political-juridical and protocol fundamentals, as well as Human Resources (mainly cultural and generational management). He has been academic visitor in both European and American universities (i.e. Harvard, Baylor, DePaul), consultant and practicing lawyer (ICAM), besides collaborator for different media. He has a rich and awarded scientific-academic production (more than 40 books and 60 articles, almost 100 lectures and specialized courses, 10 tutored dissertations, etc.).


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How to Cite

Bermejo-Casado, I. ., Campos García de Quevedo , G. ., & Sánchez-Bayón, A. . (2017). Stress and burnout syndrome in event management into the communication agencies business. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (72), 1394–1417.




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