Managing communication to for the promotion of Responsible Research and Innovation: a proposal of protocol proposal from discourse from the ethics




communication, ethics, RRI, Responsible Research and Innovation, science communication


In little over a decade, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has consolidated as a central focus of the European Union’s science and technology policies that can be tackled from the multidisciplinary perspective of ethics and communication. Methodology: The study proposes a communication protocol to favour RRI based on discourse ethics and stakeholder theory. It analyses the current situation through surveys to the 70 Scientific Culture and Innovation Units of Spanish universities and research centres. The proposal was validated following consultations with four focus groups and two Delphi expert panels. Results and conclusions: Communication is morally essential to RRI management. The study proposes a communication protocol that allows moving towards a more responsible R&I aligned with the expectations of society.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Fernández-Beltrán, Jaume I University

Francisco Fernández Beltrán is doctor in Business and Institutional Communication and graduate of Information Sciences. He has worked as journalist in several media and advertisement agencies, until his incorporation to the Universitat Jaume I de Castellón on 1998, where he has the position of Head of the Communication and Publications Service, activity he combines with teaching in the Master’s degree on New Trends and Innovation Processes on Communication, in which he is co-director, as well as in other postgraduate courses.
He is author of the book Comunicación interna 2.0. La gestión de portales corporativos y redes sociales (Internal Communication 2.0. Management of corporate portals and social networks), where he analyses the management of internal communications from the perspective of new technological media. His areas of specialty are corporate communication, reputability, new communication technologies, relationships with media, communication of social responsibility, local communication, scientific journalism and public communication of science with special incidence on management and communication of innovation and responsible research.
Between 2008 and 2012 he has been President of the Spanish Universities Publishers Association (UNE), an association that groups 64 editorial services from public and private universities of Spain and in which he also had other responsibility positions since 2003. From November 2005 to June 2010 he has been executive secretary of the Network of Communication Cabinets of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).

Domingo García-Marzá, Jaime I University

Chair Professor of Ethics of Universitat Jaume I de Castellón and Director of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology. He has broadened his studies of Politics in Frankfurt (Germany) and Economic ethics in ST.Gallen (Switzerland), in the Notre Dame University (United States) and in Magee College of the University of Ulster (Northern Ireland). His research lines include: deliberative democracy, business ethics, institutional design, civil society and critic hermeneutics.

Among his numerous publications, the following books outstand: Teoría de la justicia (Theory of Justice) (Madrid, 1992); Teoría de la democracia (Theory of democracy) (Valencia, 1993); La empresa socialmente responsable. Etica y empresa (The socially responsible company. Ethics and enterprise) (Madrid, 2003); Razón pública y éticas aplicadas (Public reason and applied ethics) (Tecnos, 2003, together with A. Cortina); Ética empresarial: del diálogo a la confianza (Business ethics: from dialogue to trust) (Madrid, 2004); Integrating the ethical perspective: methods, cases, levels in business and management (Together with Martin Büscher and Hans de Geer. 2005); La apuesta ética de las organizaciones sanitarias (The ethics bet of healthcare organizations) (Director. 2006); Public reason and applied ethics. The ways of practical reason in a pluralist society (Ashgate, 2008, together with Adela Cortina and Jesús Conill). Besides, he is author of numerous chapters of books and articles always related to ethics, politics and economics.

Rosana Sanahuja Sanahuja, Jaume I University

Rosana Sanahuja Sanahuja is a doctor by the Department of Communication Sciences of Universitat Jaume I, Master on New Trends and Innovation Processes on Communication, Master on Ethics and Democracy and Graduate in Journalism. She conjugates the researcher facet as member of the research group on Management of Ethics and Responsibility (GERSE) with her professional career as journalist of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit assigned to the Communication and Publications Service of Universitat Jaume I. Besides, she has been Associate Professor of the Graduate in Journalism of UJI. Among her research lines there are included themes of science communication, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and business and institutional ethics.
She has participated in projects of management of responsibility and ethics for different companies, institutions and public administrations, as well as diverse studies about communication of science and responsible research and innovation. Currently, she develops the «Study about the dialogue between science and society in Spain: Proposals to progress towards RRI from communication» funded by FECYT. She is co-author of publications such as Ética y comunicación en la gestión de la Investigación e Innovación Responsables (RRI): el papel de las Unidades de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación (UCC+i) (Ethics and communication in the management of Responsible Research and Innovation) and La comunicación al servicio de la Investigación e Innovación Responsables: propuesta de un modelo de gestión (Communication in service of Responsible Research and Innovation: proposal of a management model).

Alicia Andrés Martínez, Jaume I University

Graduate in Audiovisual Communication and Computer Engineering by Universitat Jaume I de Castellón and specialist on Production of Infographic Animation of the Master on New Trends and Innovation Processes on Communication. Freelance professional specialized on communication in the university field. She has been part of the work team that has developed the research «Study about communication of responsible research and innovation of UCC+i: a model proposal», funded by FECYT, which results have been published in the book Ética y comunicación en la gestión de la Investigación e Innovación Responsables (RRI): el papel de las Unidades de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación (UCC+i) (Ethics and communication in the management of Responsible Research and Innovation [RRI]: the role of Scientific Culture and Innovation Units [UCC+i]) (Castellón, 2017) and in a publication of informational nature with the title La comunicación al servicio de la Investigación e Innovación Responsables: propuesta de un modelo de gestión (Communication at the service of Responsible Research and Innovation: proposal of a management model).

Susana Barberá Forcadell, Jaume I University

Susana Barberá Forcadell is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences of Universitat Jaume I where she teaches in the degrees of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertisement and Public Relations and in the University Master on New Trends and Innovation Processes on Communication. She has also graduated from the Master’s degree of New Trends and Innovation Processes on Communication by Universitat Jaume I and is Graduate on Communication Sciences by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Currently she is elaborating her doctorate dissertation in the department of Communication Sciences of UJI. The object of study is the diffusion of science communication.

She has participated in the research project Study about communication of Responsible Research and Innovation in UCC+i: A model proposal of Universitat Jaume I. She has developed her work as journalist in the newspaper Levante-EMV, responsible for the Communication Cabinet of the Federation of Associations of Alumni Parents (FAPA) Castelló Penyagolosa, responsible of Communication of the Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local (IIDL) of Universitat Jaume I and currently is contents and social media developer in several websites.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Beltrán, F., García-Marzá, D., Sanahuja Sanahuja, R., Andrés Martínez, A. ., & Barberá Forcadell, S. (2017). Managing communication to for the promotion of Responsible Research and Innovation: a proposal of protocol proposal from discourse from the ethics. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1040–1062.


